Friday, August 19, 2011

Where can i watch the movie nine months (1995) starring Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore online?

hey guys ive watched the movie ages ago and i really want to watch it again, ive searched for it timeless and timeless again, im from australia, some websites have country restrictions, and some just dont work, ive even tried finding it in shops but they dont sell it anymore, im begging anyone can you guys please please PLEASE , give me a link that works or upload full movie on utube and notify me?i would be so very grateful, tyvm

What would you do if you like your bf brother...?

theres this girl thats dating a guy... they are good together... little squabbles here and there... then one day she gets invited to a family party where she meets the bf brother... they find out he have a lot of things in common... later on... they see each other more often coz bf like to hang out with bro now that he is home from college...the bf doesnt really treat her good. but bf brother knows whats she really deserves... the girl know the bf brother has feelings for her. and she now is deveping feelings for him.. what shoud she do or they do abut the situation...

Da Vinci vs. Einstein vs. Shakespeare. Who was more brilliant?

Your use of characters from various disciplines makes this a seemingly difficult question to answer. But your use of the word brilliant makes it easy. The answer is Einsten based on that. You should've used a different word or phraseology if you wanted the answer to be Da"Renaissance man."

Do I tell her she is LYING?

I was in the exact same situation a couple of months ago. This girl was part of the Bloods gang, had triplets when she was 13 but gave them to her sister (but then she told us they died and other times they were alive), her father was the richest man in her state, and 90% of her bones were made of metal because she was hit by an 18-wheeler when she was 3 and now her hands are considered lethal weapons in certain states. I ignored her. Actually, the more I would ignore her the grander her stories would get. At first, I thought I should call bull on her, but then it got entertaining. It was ridiculous, the crap she would come up with! Nevertheless, her lying caught up with her when the bosses started noticing and she was promptly let go. I suspect the same will happen to your co-worker. In the meantime, enjoy the tall tales.

Why hasn't anyone asked?

if Barack Obama pulled some strings to get the Cup in Chicago? I mean, the evidence is pretty overwhelming. Consider this: 1) he's reppin' Chi-town, 2) the 2nd city is known for above-average political corruption, 3) when he hosted the Pens last September in the White House, he mentioned that he was upset that Chicago hadn't won a Cup in so long, 4) he failed to land the Olympics in Chicago, and probably wants to make up for that somehow, and 5) everyone seems to hate him these days. I mean, I would think that the Detroit Tin Foil Brigade would be all over this... Maybe I just missed the party...?

Are my student loans going to affect the interest rate I get with a Car loan?

Ok, So my husband and I are going to buy a car in august. We dont know when because the dealer doesnt have any on the lot right now but they are getting the car i want "sometime" in august. The problem is that I really need to be taking applying for my GradPlus loan right now but I am worried that it is going to affect the interest rate we get for our car loan. Also, my husband is the one with all the income because i am getting ready to go back to school full time so should he be the signer for the auto loan and me the co-signer, or should it be the other way around? Our credit scores are both great it is just that I dont have any income and I am getting ready to take out student loans in my name only. someone with loan knowledge help!

Does any1 no the thing in science its GXUVIMSL I need some ideas my science teacherwants me to make my own hlp?

Im a 5th grader and The GXUVIMSL stands for, Gamma X-ray Ultra violet, Visble, Infrared, Micro wave, Small waves, Large waves. I need to make my own like tht goodboys sumthing.... My mom Doesnt no anything& neither does my Sister my bro is only 8 and my dad isnt home So PLZ HELP ME!

Need a good crock pot recipe for string beans and ham?

Sugar Pie has the best recipe! The only thing I would do differently is to add some new potatoes to the pot towards the end of the cooking time. New potatoes, string beans and ham! Can I come for dinner? :) A nice cornbread would go great with that.

How can I download free demos into my PlayStation 3 from the PlayStation website?

I have web access in my PlayStation 3, so I can go online. Can anyone help with this? Free Demos, I would like to try 'Haze'.

I need help with my essay on the scarlet letter?

im not trying to cheat but our teacher never went over the introduction and conclusion with us and i really need help with them. My thesis is "Even though Hester Prynne committed adultery, she deserves sympathy because of all the pain she has suffered"

Ray Allen is less than 100 3s away from Reggie Miller!?

Ray has 2472, Reggie Miller has 2560. Ray is bound to surp Reggie this season, unless he gets injured or all of a sudden he forgets how to shoot. When do you think it'll happen? I'd say in around 35 games (He usually averages around 2.5 3s a game). When he pes Reggie, is he going to be considered as greatest shooter of all time?

Isn`t it about time the age limit of 13 is upped to over 16`s?

i say raise it to 18 the british age of consent.that way they are responsible in the eyes of the law .

Should I still start Slaton over these guys?

Because of the news, I don't know if I should still start Slaton in my flex position in a ppr league. My other choices are Mendenhall (@Den), Housh (vs. Det), B. Marshall (vs. Pit), and Witten (@ Phi). What is the consensus here?

I'm thinking of going to the Cancun oasis resort in June?

i stayed at the grand oasis. and it was absolutely amazing. im not too sure on the whole partying ordeal because im not old enough to do all that jazz, but when i took a tour a walked throughout the resort, there were A LOT of flyers and adds about events happening there like parties and that. they had a rave party full of foam when i was there. lol. but i do recommend you go there. its amazing.

Is this a good fantasy football team? HELP?

Yea, your bench could use some tuning up for when the starters have byes but the starting line up is solid

Question about MMA.?

You're probably not going to be (or shouldn't even since you're under 18) participating in matches similar to the UFC. Instead, you'd be participating in grappling and sparring matches if and when you choose to. Go for the protection first- mouth guard and cup along with the gloves and shin guards you bought. Those are 14 oz. gloves however, and I would ask your instructor if you should get a 16 oz. instead or not (make sure you get good hand wraps and know how to wrap them). Your shin guards look good but make sure you get so head gear and ab pads later on as you become more advanced. You probably won't need a GI, depending on how your instructors practice. MMA instructors almost always prefer you wear mma gear instead of traditional. The 100 pound bag sounds better and later on you could also get a stronger chain & hook system when you become advanced (eg: standing guard & scarecrow challenge).

What does it mean when my heart is felling like somethings missing?

like cause i like this girl alot and like when i see her it goes away and like when i dont then it just fells like somethings missing what does it mean

Should we end campaign rallies as Hillary advocates?

She needed to be tougher on him re: this issue, and should of been in the debates. Not only that, she's right. It doesn't matter if she loses. This is going to show him up if he does win. He'll be seen for the empty vessel he is. Then watch him get it from all sides.

Fantasy Football Trade Help?

For RBs I have Westbrook, Bush, Chris Johnson, and Portis. I was offered Marion Barber for Johnson and Bush. Do i accept??

Should i go ahead and get my license renewed before i go to Vegas?

It says it does not expire until 2012, but I didn't know if the casino's would prefer i have an update one. Where do you think has the best blackjack tables?

Can having an abortion and go on pill for a year stop your change of having kids?

got pregnant 2 years later and then had a miscarriage and now i have problems with my ovaries doctors say i can be going into a early menopause is that possible

Now that the union bill in Wisconsin has been ped, maybe we can all move on a bit, right? Why or why not?

Yes , we can move on to the recall of the 8 republicans who sold out the people and warm up for the recall of Walker . With our economy in shambles and only 13% of the work force in unions WHERE is the blame for the other 87% ? Is THAT the kind of reason you operate under ?

Emo! What does it mean to you?

well, to me i think it means emotional, so really i dont think its a clique or a fashion statement or wearing tight pants, dying your hair black, and cutting yourself. i think that a true emo lives a life of quiet desperation. I think a true emo is the person who doesnt show it.

What causes hypoglycemia?

i know it means that i have low blood sugar, but what causes it? is it hereditary, or something that i did when i was younger to cause this? im 16...

How long will my husbands immigartion appointmant take in Juarez?

My husband will be having his first immigration appointment in Juarez next week. Does anybody know how long it takes. His appointment is at 830 am. Do they really follow appointment or is there a huge line? Hos about his medical appointment as well? He is 2 days before because we heard the line is long for medical appointment. What vaccines will they give him? He is unable to fine his shot records. One last question. Is it possible for them to give my husband his green card or is it a must he has to have pardon We were married in USA and he was illegal. Please help me with any answers. Thank you

I think our rabbit is pregnant, but she is liveing with another rabbit, should she be separated ?

yes, if she is pregnant the other rabbit could actually eat the babies. it happens a lot to people who don't know their rabbit is pregnant. separate them!!!

17 and I'm scared I'm pregnant, Please Help!?

Please Don't judge me, I know and understand I'm 17. I'm over a week late, and i do have pregnancy symptom's, like constipation, and feeling like im going to throw up, and farting alot, i have cramping and headache's, my and 's hurt alot please help. :(

Why do feminists feel there is a double standard when it comes to ?

For example, why do they get upset when men get called studs and women get called sluts for being promiscuous? Where's this same sentiment when female stars get paid 10 times as much as their male counterparts? Hmm....

Effaced/Dilated but cervix ok on u/s?

I am 32 weeks preg and been dealing with PTL cont for 2 months. I went in on Wed with blood and I was still closed, tight, thick. Thursday had bloody show all day (mucous with bright red/brown blood). Went to do today, Fri. He checked and I was 1-2 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced. Went to L&D and the internal u/s showed that my cervix was still long and looked good. What does that mean? Seems like a contradiction. They are making me come back tom. for FFN (due to the bleeding I need to wait 24 hours) and then see results before starting steriod injections. Anyone else seen or heard a story like this? I am just confused.

Is having early in a relationship a sign of desperation?

I heard a friend say that when a woman sleeps with a man too early in the relationship she comes off as desperate. Is that true??

Who said she could see Russia from her front porch: Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?

tina fey. palin said that from some vantage point in alaska, one could see russia. which is the truth.

Whats a good name for this precious baby?

Ok, when choosing a dogs name you need to think does it suit her personality and looks? And is it catchy? (good dogs names have two syllables) I like Sadie but have a few names and wait until you get to know this pup. If you can't decide, put a few names in a hat and get your daughter you pick one out.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

22 yr old boyfriend=ually disfunctional ?

my boyfriend is pretty young, but have trouble maintaining an and rarely s during . he has told me that this problem existed before me. when things dont work out, he usually explains it by blaming it on the condom or saying that he is too tired. when things do work out...its usually when i cease to contribute. it seems that the only thing that works is for me to just lie there.... i realize i am going to get some silly answers to this, but hopefully someone can take me seriously. can this be partly contributed to anxiety? this person is from sri lanka, and i am uncertain as to what social factors may or may not affect his attitude regarding . are there specific health concerns that might cause this sort of trouble?

What is the acceleration of the elevator as a multiple of the acceleration of gravity, in units of g?

The Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas is 1193 ft high. It takes 2.9 min, 28 sec to ascend from the ground floor to the top of the tower using the high-speed elevator. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2. uming that the elevator starts and ends at rest, and its acceleration has a constant magnitude when moving.

Isotopes Chemistry Question?

Which two of the following are isotopes of the same element" 31/16X, 31/15X, 32/16X... there isn't a divide sign but it's where there is one number on top of another followed by a chemical symbol. And also.. it wants to know. what is the identity of the element whose isotopes you have selected... My answer was the 31/16 and 31/15.. and Ga for the element. but im not sure at all. how do i determine all of this? thanks.

What is a good gun for deer hunting?

what is a good gun for deer hunting? im a beginer hunter, i want to know is a rifle or shotgun good for deer hunting. i also want to go turkey shooting also i think its called skid shooting i would like to do. i want a gun with multiplte uses for hunting. so whats good for me

I have a fault with my Epsom 880 printer, all light's on, the book say's, general failure. can any body help.?

I would like to obtain a service manual for this, then i might stand a chance of repairing it, before i retired iwas a servce engineer for TV & Video's. Thank's in anticipation.

What does this mean - yes she was drunk, but underneath that?

There is nothing good that is going to happen with you and this woman. I think you're used when her marriage is having a rough patch and she needs that extra attention in order to feel good about herself again. I think the only person suffering in any of this is you, and if you love yourself, you will move on to a woman that is available. This just isn't meant to be, and you're enabling her to use and hurt you. You're better than that, move on. It isn't love, it is unhealthy obsession with what could have been.

At the end of the day.....Kaka isnt THAT good?

First of all Kaka won the World Cup with Brazil and the FIFA player of the year last year. So yes he is amazing but he reminds me of a football Kobe bryant; Kobe's good but he needs a "big-man" to be great. Kaka is going to Man. City most definitely and unless Robinho and Shaun Wright-Phillips can play as a team, they will stay we're they usually are, in 7th of the standings.

Where can I find the history of where I live?

I live in a small town of Marion Center where there is no town hall. I would like to find out more information on the history. All I know is that the oldest house is right down the road from me.

I had a horribbbllee dream my boyfriend died=(?

i came home frumm sumwere with my aunt and great gma then went to my cheer copetition. and wen i was there my friend called me and told me they found his body sumwhere. and all i did was cry. and wen i went home 2 cops were there and i beat them up. but the weird thing is in my dream the day befor this happnd i was just with him :'(

Negative score in downhill snowboard on facebook?

Ok i was playing downhill snowboard on alpine run. My snowboarder launched way up into the air and I got nearly 50 front flips before going back to the ground and then my score went to a negative. My current all time score is -1825744379 and I am unable to play on any of the slopes. How can i fix this?

What is the Best Sequel Ever?

ummm...Empire Strikes back is not a sequel. It is the 5th movie in the Star Wars trilogy. But the sequel is Attack of the Clones (Star Wars the sequal).

I have a boy problem. Please help?

i dont know if this is any use...but you should just have the courage to get his attention and go up to him and talk to him or talk to him on facebook. when you two get to know each other, he may like you and things could take a turn for the better. i know its hard, im having the same problem but you just need to be brave and do it because after years, you might regret not trying. and if it didnt work out, you could always tell yourself that he isnt worth it, i have much ahead of me and theres plenty of more guys. you just got to have confidence :) hope i helped.

FIFA: Giants vs. Rangers? Who shall prevail in this war?

Giants will win. They have too..... They know i have 500 bucks on them right? Pls win Giants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's buying Guitar Hero Metallica?

Even if you do not play video games will you be buying it for collective purposes as a fan, I am thinking about buying it both for play and collection?

Ubuntu blackjack?

No, as it is an Ubuntu game, not a Windows Game. You could just get a Windows version of Blackjack...

Is this proposition ytic or synthetic?

depends what you mean by green... it can be green in colour (literally) or green metaphorically (as in environmentally friendly and part of eostasis)

What is it like to be an american guest worker in kuwait?

what does one do for fun? what kind of computer access is available? what is the american community like? Friendly?

I been going to LDS church for a year now and was batize?

I was baptize 6 mouth ago they made me a "ward missary" so I go out with the missionary's a lot they took me to a a house 1 block down the street from where I live that had 2 black guys and 2 white woman and grand mother and 6 kids. I want nothing to do with niger lovers. even woes there are only a block from me. In past I would burn a cross on there lawn but I left the heads years ago. I told the missarys to never call me again. There is cute chick church I go to so I might keep on going but I hate them for this. what should I burn. the black person home most likley a rental, missionary home, the church, the closes temple. the stake center, Thomas mostin. WHAT SHOULD I BURN????

Pirated Windows XP crashed and continuously reboots?

My brother's computer had a pirated copy of Windows XP on it and it crashed. Now it just reboots in cycles. Windows does not load. There is a countdown that boots every some seconds. Is there a way for him to recover his data? Thanks.

I have some DNA questions.?

What change in a strand of original DNA would result in a gene mutation and change the original amino acid sequence? What affect do gene mutations have on protein synthesis?

How much longer can the USA continue on it's present course?

I say not much longer, it's obvious the people do not control the Government anymore, especially the last 30 years, I have heard some say it's time for a revolution, and some say everything is ok, I think the country is being destroyed from the inside, the multinational corporations finance the political candidates, look at Romney with his millions, the voting machines are electronic, so when we vote and it goes into cyber space they can change it at will, they aren't kicking the illegals out, they are meddling in every foreign nations they can, the country is falling apart and we are in such deep debt, it can't be paid, sooner or later the people will have to do something, Obama said we would get change, but it's no different than Bush, free trade is a failure, no jobs are being created, we could get together and do like Gandhi did, simply refuse to cooperate, if everyone resisted until the government agreed to be reformed, we could clean house and get a fresh start, clean the slate back to the Constitution and start over, a quiet kind of revolution.

What are some good swimming video songs?

I am making a video for our swim team awards banquet and I need d help thinking of songs. They have to be appropriate for kids under the age of 8.

Could I get an electric guitar amp recommendation?

I've been playing acoustic for two years but I'm looking to get into electric. I purchased a Line 6 in the past and really liked it but read many reviews about how the "pros" don't like it because of its presets. I don't want to pay anything too outrageous (hopefully not over $1,500 CAD) but I want something that will last me. I don't want to repurchase an amp in the future if I ever get better. I was also told that it sounds better if the effects are off the amp and on a pedal instead. Could someone give me some insight? I was looking into Marshall. Thanks in advanced!

What influence will born again Christians, and evangelicals, have on this year's presidential election?

Well, they keep Huckabeen alive. Most people who voted for Bush liked the way he did things, hence why they reelected him.

Do you think Stefan Logan of the Steelers will be a break out star in the future?

As a kick returner and pun returner, absolutely. The Steelers haven't had a good return man in a while, but I think Logan will change that.

G.Dep/DaBand what happen to these guys?

yeah, if you're not Danity Kane or Day 26 you're not gonna stay on bad boy long, shoot they won't be long if they don't keep saling records. the only thing diddy ever had was B.I.G.

Ryan matthews or beanie wells?

im having a rough week due bye's..of the two who is the safer bet? i can also claim cj spiller, john kuhn, or marshawn lynch

Need help with custody/support?

Quite frankly, this question scares the crap out of me! It sounds as though you both are doing a pretty poor job focusing on your child and spending WAY too much time focusing on yourselves! You're child is suffering from this, no doubt. It's awful on both parts!!! There are obviously some legal things that you can do to make some of this better, but I think it's really in the best interest of your child (if that even matters to either one of you anymore) to consider the moral things you can do!!! Stop f'ing with each other and work out what is best for your child!! Even if it's not exactly what either of YOU want. It's NOT about YOU!!!!!

Hey does walgreens give flexible hrs to their employees?

Same deal at Walgreen's for students - limited hours and you WILL be scheduled to work your so-called 'crappy days', i.e. Saturdays and Sundays and probably Friday afternoons/evenings as well.

What do Texans like when it comes to voting for somebody?

So I have to do this project and I'm basically campaigning in Texas. My character is a democrat and I have to convince the independents to vote for me. I just need ideas about what Texans like to hear when a person gives a speech.

Can anyone recommend a CD with chanted mantras, with or without response by group, for meditation or slow yoga

I have just begun practising yoga (Iyengar) and we do not listen to music in our cles, but we do chant for about 5 minutes in the beginning. I would like to listen to (and learn) these slow chants in Sanskrit during moments when I might meditate or practice slow (downtempo) yoga. I have been researching and have found some "music" (world, electronic, new age) but I would prefer something more pared down, ideally no instruments at all. And I actually have found some audio of just chanting but sometimes it is fast or the voices are "twiny" and not refined (ie. not beautiful) and rather than relax or inspire me, they actually get on my nerves. Help! Thanks!

In Northern blotting, what does the bound probe represent ?

at the end of Northern blotting, we see bands appear where there are bound probes, what does this mean ? I know that Northern blotting is used to study gene expression, so does the presence of a bound probe mean that the gene has been expressed?

Have Graves' Disease,Having Surgery Is It the best Option?

I have Graves' and severe hyperthyroidism, I didn't respond well to the anti thyroid meds. I don't want Radioactive treatment, I am having surgery soon, But isn't Graves an auto immune disease and will the surgery help at all? I know it will with the hyperthyroidism, but what about problems with my immune system? Thanks for any help!

I believe our society sorely lacks a coming of age moment for young people. What do you think?

I'm 27, turning 28 this Sunday. sigh. I feel old, and, I don't feel like an adult at all. It's funny. I hear the following remark all the time, "I don't feel like an adult either. I'm still just a big kid." You know, it seems to me that the majority of adults, don't feel like adults. Why is that? I believe it is because most adults have never had a coming of age experience or series of experiences. A coming of age experience is one where a young person is pushed to their limits, when they are forced to dig deep inside themselves to find the strength to surmount obstacles. / I'm a deep lover of Japanese Anime and it is a recurring theme in nearly every show : a young person must experience profound trials of the mind, heart and soul in order to truly find themselves, their own inner strength, their true potential. / I think that what I feel, and most adults feel, is the absence of that strength inside of us, that true potential unlocked. If this is the case, the need is intringent.

How can you tell if a Bloodfin or Penguin tetra is pregnant?

How can you tell if tetras are pregnant? Can different species of tetra such as penguin and bloodfin mate?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Am I the only one who noticed?

Paula Abdul seemed really drugged on the Omaha auditions episode of American Idol? I don't see anyone else talking about it. It was like she could barely keep her eyes open.

Would I be considers a bandwagon N.Y. Football Patriots fan?

After getting pounded by the Ravens on Sunday, good tickets will be available for five bucks outside Browns Stadium - and down East Ninth Street - for the remainder of the season.

Combi boiler guage toooo high?

I have a combi boiler microgenus he24 mffi and the pressure guage is really high. how do I bring it back down to normal level?.

What will make my dance shoes less slippery?

Roughen them up with a scr (they sell them on a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . I know it says pointe shoe, but it'll work for ay kind of shoe.) or sandpaper. Use rosin. Use hairspray. :)

Where can i buy the old macbook?

depending on where your from, you can try gumtree, ebay, local clified adverts. or as previous people have said, local pawn shops usually have a lot of mac products because they seem to hold their value very well.

Why does it seem that the majority of atheists and also evolutionists say they’re Democrats / liberals?

Very interesting question. Even though the thought had crossed my mind before, I’ve never really spent any time focusing on the idea. It seems to me, that if you read your Bible, you’ll find a lot of ideas that might be considered conservative or “Republican”, though I do hate to use that word in this context. I don’t really consider myself a Republican, though I do much more often than not, vote that way. (If a religious conservative is the same thing as a Republican, then I guess I’m guilty). Anyway, having read through the Bible I have found a lot of ideas that Republicans cling to; such as the value of an unborn child (abortion issues), capital punishment, capitalism, fair taxation, restitution for wrong doing, and even the Biblical account of creation. Christians tend to read their Bibles, or at least go to church and hear what the Bible says, and therefore will be influenced by what they hear and read. Non-Christians tend not to read the Bible or go to church and therefore are not influenced by sound Biblical doctrine. (Yes, I know I’m making a general statement, and there are exceptions, so please don’t send me any letters). You are correct in your observation in the general moral decline of the United States. Crime rates have risen considerably, abortion rates have risen, divorce rates have climbed, the number of unwed mothers have risen, and the amount of influence the Church has on the U.S. has greatly decreased. I’m sure you could ask a question about the correlation between the increase of problems in the U.S. vs the decrease of the influence that God has on this country. This really shouldn’t surprise us any though. After all, the Bible tells us that narrow is the way that leads to righteousness and few find it, but wide and easy is the path to destruction. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Im still feeding my 2year old?

yes im still feeding. he only wants it at night. so how do i stop my milk from coming in? how do i get him off of it. he is old enough to be off of it. he does not lke cow milk for some reason. ANY ADVICE

System Requirements for a VB Project..?

This really comes down to testing on different hardware configurations against a reasonable benchmark for performance. You can come up with some reasonable guesses, but until you test them, they are only guesses. If this is for a cl project, you may be able to list the minimum requirements for the operating system you developed it on (i.e. check the Microsoft site for their minimum hardware specification). Coming up with a recommended configuration could be similar to the box that you developed the project on.

Do you remember the "Magic Drawing Board" on 'Captain Kangaroo'?

It was like a giant Etch-a-sketch with somebody back there drawing a picture live on TV. We only saw the show for a half an hour, before having to head to school, so the guy must have taken only 10 minutes tops to draw a really fine picture. I remember he once drew Jefferson's Monticello.

False allegation of racial discrimination/abuse at work what can you do?

I'm afraid allegations of this nature are easy to make and difficult to disprove. Unless you have a witness it's their word against yours. The best advice is speak to your union if you have one or citizens advice bureau.

Running Notepad files?

I wrote a solution algorithm in notepad and saved them as text doent type, and as ANSI encording. Now I want to run it as an application but error message is displayed (doent not found) when I try to run it in the run on from the start menu. Where did I go wrong?

Can anybody explain the last part of the film 'Perfume' to me please?

Where Jean is about to be hanged but then he takes out the perfume he has made from killing all those girls, and suddenly everybody seems to fall in love with him and claim the scent is a miracle? Weren't these just 25 ordinary girls afterall? What makes the scent so special, and how does it hypnotize all these people into thinking Jean is an angel instead of a murderer? Also, what happens to Jean at the end of the film, where it looks like the people actually EAT him? Thanks for the help, sorry its such a long question :)

Making Rose Water...what color is it supposed to be?

What color should the rose water be? I have some dark pink roses and I was going to boil them until the water turned pink but I boiled them until I got the house smelling like roses and I tasted the water and it tasted like roses and slightly sweet, but the water was pinkish-brown! Almost like a lightish tea color. It doesn't smell burnt, it still smells like roses but it's just brown. Did I make it right? I didn't have a brick to do it the distilled way so that's why it's not clear but is it okay that it looks pinkish-brown? And does this rose water also contain rose oil? I'm not sure how to tell.... and what can I do to enhance the rose smell even more?

Windows 7 stops responding?

It should def. not be doing that... my specs arent as good as yours and windows 7 works fine for me... You might be better installing windows 7 again... make sure you do a back-up of all your files etc

How to talk to this guy i like?? im sorta shy with guys idk.and the guy i like is doing summer gym cl for high school w me.he went to the public middle school where as i went to a catholic middle school.he already knows ppl cuz he went to that school and i dont know a lot of ppl.i really like this guy cuz he isnt like perverted or anything and hes super nice.idk what to talk w him about cuz we didnt go to the same school or anything.i have his sn from a i talk to him without him knowing my sn?or what should i do?what are some things that i can start a convo w him??

How do i find out if i Am physic?

Am i physic? how do i find out if i am when im thinking about someone out the blue within the hour ive either had a message or they texed me then im thinking the way things work out and im always right i sene a situation before it happens and when i tell the persons im with at the time they dont beleave me also i text my mates and as its sending they text me could someone tell how do i find out why all this random stuff happens please ? thanks

Anyone else sick of being called racist when you ask a question ?

I'm starting to feel it's a reportable offense, falling under harment, insults or something. In the real world I'd call it slander. SHEESH!

Statistic/Biology : Standard Deviation question?

A useful rule is that 68% of the values lie within one standard deviation of the mean in a normal distribution... So let say i have my graph and it (sort of) has a normal distribution. Where is this -1.0 and +1.0 std. deviation thing? I don't get it and where's my 68% of values? Explanation please>>>>> thanks !

Why are Indian women so rude?!?

many people say the same thing like you. indian from india can be very rude and inappropriate. I experienced that sometime. when you are at the shop they will treat you like a part of their family, they are very friendly and you will buy every damn things but when you call them for order things. they will be super rude and then when they met you again at the shop they will act like they never said those things on telephone.

What do think of these girls names...?

I really like Emelia, Amelie and Adelaide - very pretty and not common. you have alot of beautiful name choices there.

Plllzzzzzzzzzzzz helpppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Wow man that sounds harsh. The best thing i can tell you is to try and look up why pressure and temperature affect reactions. the other idk anything about.

Do colleges require you to take physics?

i'm planning my junior cles (i'm in high school) and i am not required to take physics because it's not considered a core cl. should I take physics? do colleges require you to have taken physics in hugh school? I'm definatly do not excel in math or chemistry so should I take physics?

If the Jets get Arian Foster will he propel them to the super bowl in 2012?

They need to put their best foot forward next year, jump into the season with both feet, and when they get to the play offs, there must be absolutely no footing!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Draw weight on my bow ?

draw weight on my bow is 68 lbs i am shooting a 28" draw with a 100 grain broadhead is a 29 " terminator lite 4560 carbon arrow ok to shoot out of this set up or is it too light of an arrow for this set up

My newborn burbs while nursing...?

You're going to have to start burping her every couple minutes regardless of whether she is done nursing. She is managing to get a lot of air so you need to burp very often, not just when you change sides.

Riddles that are brain teasers and not well known?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Hector Camacho vs Willie Pep, 15 rounds, who wins?

Zebbie this is a fun fight. You have the Macho Man Hector Camacho with all his flashiness and crazy looking ring attire going against the Will o' the Wisp Willie Pep. Camacho was certainly a very fast fighter with well above average boxing skills but the only advantage he would have over Pep would be in the power department. I know Willie Pep mostly fought as a featherweight and Camacho mostly as a lightweight but we are just going to consider this bout as a with all things equal, so here is how I think it goes. In the early rounds, ring artist Pep would dance and use dazzling footwork and make Camacho miss more than he ever has while occionally popping Camacho with crisp counter punches and getting out of the way before Camacho can reach him. Camacho would start to apply more pressure to Pep and start to land some heavier shots s the fight goes into the middle rounds but with Pep always staying out of danger. In the Championship rounds, Pep would continue to box, move, and dance around Camacho who would also show flashes of brilliance but unable to outbox the boxing master. Pep hangs on in the last round after a furious Camacho flurry at the bell. Pep is the winner by unanimous decision.

My Zebra Finches puffed their feathers, what does that mean?

I got two female Zebra Finches for Christmas. They were healthy and skinny. Next day they both puffed their feathers up and stayed that way. About 5 days later, one died. The other one stopped puffing its feathers when we pulled the dead bird out of the cage. The one bird that has died we can not tell what of. No scratch marks or anything. Seemed healthy Christmas Day. Thanks for any help.

Why do Americans take it personnel when other world leaders attack the Bush and his policies?

Blood is thicker than water. What is your question? are you just spewing anti-American filth. Do you want their anti-American filth to spread world wide or what? Are you American?

What exactly Bangladesh needs to improve their standard of game?

Bangladesh need quality players, good infrastructure and improved training standards & facilities. They need a good unit of talented players who can put in good performance on a consistent basis, rather than flash-in-the-pan performances from average players

Is Obama going to change USA government to a Monarchy?

Isnt he acting like he is King and doing well for his servants, that is us with all that good avice and "urging" of even the Black Men and even the Iranians ?????

Isn't Mona Lisa's just a painting?

She might not like it, the Da Vinci might just hate it even more! ...but we'll continue to mess up with that painting eh? we'll use the sensitive scanners and god knows what kind of chemicals to keep on yzing the painting! don't you think that it is just a simple painting with no hidden meanings at all? It seems more like you are forcing the hidden meanings to come outta the painting even when maybe they don't even exist! okay, nutshell :do u think we are unnecesarilly trying to force meanings out of a masterpiece, but simple, piece of art?.... AND - isn't it annoying?

feeding and Pump Questions?

id keep tryin to latch- but pumping is not a good way to see what you are making- a baby is much more effecient at getting the milk out than a pump- also since the pump doesnt get much out you will produce less milk if you only pump- i would go to your local wic offfice to see the lacation cosultant for free- even if you dont qualify for wic they will el tyou speak to the lc and maybe even loan you a hospital grade electric pump. i have been feeding for about 8 1/2 months and i still only get about 2-3 ounces after work and in the mornings- pumping is a lot of hard work too. it takes a couple of week to get a goodd latch and such down- if i were you id keep trying at the

Is it normal to like girls?

So I was watching some xxx movies with a few people at a party. And the scene i liked the best was two girls. Maybe cuz one sorta looked like me so i was able to kinda pretend it was me - and every1 was saying "hey jess you're in a o". LOL anyway, i like boys for sure - just wondering if its normal to feel like this about ?

Have you ever been told you can't do it or you won't?

I was told my freshman year in high school by a football coach that I couldn't make the varsity team. I used that as motivation and I made the team. If u want to become a wrestler then do it, you only live once.

Need good Blues music?

I need music that is like the raunchy kinda danceable type with the slow heavy beats but with a nice clear voice. Hmmmm better yet, anything that sounds like what was in the movie Cadillac Records.

Screw caps for fine wines.?

Am I the only one that just abhors the trend of more and more finer wineries (including it seems almost all from New Zealand now) bottling with screw corks? Not that I recommend going back to risking tainted corks, but artificial corks first introduced about 2 decades ago were just fine whilst preserving the romance of opening the bottle.

Why does everybody keep asking stupids questions about "My Chemical Romance" here?

because it seems the majority of people who listen to them and idolize them are morons and I mean that in a literal sense. Could people be that gullible and become brainwashed that easily? People who listen to that are part of a flock. They need a sense to belong. They are so blinded by it they cannot decipher true metal/rock from pseudo metal/rock.

Do girls worry guys are just nice to get laid?

i really like this, thought i was falling in love. we talked abt hooking up ually, but never did. i broke up with her bc she kept pushing me away and it sucked. i told her i'll always be her friend. im a genuinely very nice person and i like to make others happy bc thats whe kind of person i want to be. we talked yesterday and she told me she really likes me but she was skeptical abt me bc i am "sooo nice" and she didnt know if she cld trust that. is it normal for girls shld be wary of guys? i am trying to just be her friend for a while until i earn her trust.

Should i ignore her/?

well im trying to finish a two page essay that's due tomorrow well im logged in on msn but its set to away well one my friends ims me i tell her i cant talk busy and then she goes well your going to talk to me but i didn't reply for 5 minutes when i keep getting messages from her saying i know your there talk just basically abusing the im and ehile im writeing she still doing this i did make it look like i signed but even so shes still sending ims what to do?


We had just received a confirmed diagnosis of blastomycosis that our beloved elder dog. We are saddened to say he is not able to receive treatment and the diagnosis is fatal. With that on our hearts and beginning to research this fungus...We are concerned because our dog has not been anywhere but our backyard. We have lived in this house and had our furry family member for over 10 years. How can this just now be happening? To further our concerns: My female Boston terrier, which stays inside, has a small fungus occurring in her ear and we will have that also tested asap. Since this apparently is in our backyard, is it likely for us (humans) to get this fungus? How can we determine the location? What are the beginning symptoms? Can anyone share any pertinent information (please)? Please feel free to email me at I am alerted to the fact of a recent nodule in my husband’s lungs…can this be tested for blastomycosis?—Singed, lots to think about and prayers requested.

How long before the Bible is dealt like the Greek Myths? Hopefully soon?

Now, smart people, we all know the Bible is one of many books portraying mythical beings, in order to shed light on our morality. It is great to know that some human very long ago was caring enough to try and spread his views on morality, which was accepted throughout the world for thousands of years. We know that's how it was with the Greek Gods, the Mayans, the Egyptians, and finally Christianity. Therefore morality came before "God," therefore we do not need the Bible to lead "Christian-like" lives, otherwise known as "good" people. So when can we finally live lives of intruiging science and technology, none of this BS with millions gathering for the Pope LMAO or funding these HIDEOUS structures called churches and temples. Wake up, people, lets feed the hungry, and be there for people emotionally, lets not praise Santa claus and the tooth fairy just because it sounds good to be true.

Gta 4 lag on windows 7 64bit?

when i was playing gta 4 on vista i dintot get any lag,now i get lag when im playing it on windows 7,and the weird part is,the lag only come out when i press a keyboard's on,any 1 will make a lag.someone hlp me out plz

I would like my hair like this? tips on how to do it would be great?

Part it in the middle, then pull the top half up. Curl the bottom half or follow the instructions on that website for curling it with a straightener. You could also sleep with rollers in, but you'd need to practice that before the big day :) if you're talking color, Clairol Natural Instincts is the best cheap brand.

What martial art is the best for street fighting?

I know everyone's gonna say there's no best, but there has to be when it comes to a street fight. Now I'm like an amazing boxer so i don't need to learn that, but judging by most street fights what form of martial arts would be best to learn? Cause i been in street fights before and all i rely on is punching since i can box, but i want to learn different moves/techniques cause boxing wont save my a** all the time. It's true cause I've gotten beat up before by people who knew mixed styles of fighting. I don't intend on starting problems with people, but in case i get into another situation i don't want boxing to be my only priority. I was sorta thinking about kickboxing or TKD since It's mainly focused on just kicking.

What do YOU think happened after Cinderella and Prince Charming tied the knot?

Cinderella and the Prince ride off in their Punkin Carriage to their Honeymoon Suite. A couple months later, what's happening? Where are the step-sisters? How's Cindy's and Princie's relationship? What else happens?

Do Madonna and Guy Richie have a prenup?

With the Mccartney settlement making the headlines and Madonna's marriage reportedly on the rocks; i was just wondering if Guy was about to become very RICHie

Why does exhaust fumes enter through the vents in your car on a 88 honda prelude?

you could have a lot of old oil on your engine and the fumes are getting into your air inlet. Make sure your engine is clean.

What are oxalates and how can I identify them by looking at their chemiucal formula?

PLz hlp me I have an exam on this stuff on Tues. PLz hlp I rly need it, thanx a bunch, I really mean it, may god bless u

Monday, August 15, 2011

I need baby advice! My 9 month daughter is struggling to sleep in her own bed?

It sounds like you have tried about everything you can do and the choice is now up to you what you continue to try. I have never been a fan of the "cry it out" method, but if you choose this, you have to just keep it up, night after night, until your daughter realizes that she has to go back to sleep. Some children it will only take a couple nights, others it could go on for a week or more, but you have to be persistent in it or it will not work. At 9 months old your daughter has probably started teething so putting her to bed with a bottle is not a good idea because it could rot her teeth, but if a pacifier is not soothing her either, you may just have to wait for this "phase" to p. Babies go through this, especially separation anxiety around 9 months and several other stages where they just don't want to sleep. Your daughter sounds like she enjoyed your company and I know that everytime my daughter is sick, ear infection,cold, shots, etc. I always let her sleep with me because I feel bad for her and want to snuggle her until she feels better, so every parent is different. And again it is your choice and don't let anyone make you feel bad about what you decide to can let her cry it out or you can continue to comfort her in your bed until this phe pes. You might get helpful suggestions if you google "separation anxiety and sleeping". Good Luck!

I need help on an ysis of the poem paradise lost. i just need a little summary of what the poem is about.?

What's wrong with Wikipedia? What you have is a small section of an entire book or one poem a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Bfp or is it a fake bfp? help please?

ive been taking pregnancy tests though my period isn't due for 10days but ive had a feeling of pregnancy my have been really sore. anyway so the one i took yesterday was clearly a negative i took one this morning well like 10minutes ago and its a faint positive and i dipped one in water to make sure of it and that one is negative. what do you think am i pregnant

Please help! Power in an electromagnetic signal?

sorry i can not remember the formula but what you are looking for is the formulas for free space loss and power relative to distance due to free space loss

Like to know how to forumulate Alochol based liquor.?

The liquor will be Coconut alchol flavor taste. I have study the way "Bailey Irish Cream" is made with genized whishy cream using emulsifier and refined vegetable oil. And they have succeeded in killing any bacteria in there drink. I have tried using cream , rum, and coconut flavor And there are still bacteria in there. It seems that alcohol alone does not get rid of them. I like to find out the right answer.

Advice on female friend please?

Sounds like she wants to keep you as a 'resource' and a friend, but maybe not a b/f. I suspect you will know for sure in a few weeks. Best of luck.

Mascot Head falls off!!?

my high schoolmascot head keeps falling off when i go to do a flip how can i stop this? i already use the straps that came with it!

My new poem, do you like it, do you get it? all feedback welcome.?

I like it but I'm not sure how well I understand it. It sounds like inner turmoil a struggle between who you were and who you've become. Am I right or is this about a fight between two friends of your?

Who felt the earthquake in Melbourne tonight?

I'm in the Latrobe Valley and felt nothing but according to reports it measured 2.6 on the richter scale with it's epicentre in Pearcedale.

Why do i be push around bec i am deaf?

my whole life i been push around bec i am deaf and way i talk . should hearing people know that we are the same as everyone but no hearing. i been bully a lot. bullies throw rocks at me . write means things about me than i read them (they put in my locker ) why is this world so cruel to me?

How do you start hunting with a falcon?

What kind of permits, training, gear, and so forth do you need? How much are falcons? Where is it legal or illegal? any help would be very much appreciated

Really worried now.?

my cycle has been messed up for the last 4 months or so. I had a period in march, then skipped april. Had a really short but heavy period in may, and now I have skipped both june and july. I just saw my OB the first week in april and everything was fine, my problems statred right after that. I had been on nuvaring up until a month ago, but decided to give my body a rest since I have been so irregular. My husband and I have been very good about using condoms the week the ring is out AND the last month that I have not been using it, so I am not sure that pregnancy could be possible. I am only 33, so I think it is kind of early for the beginings of menopause. I just had thyroid and diabetes tests done ealrier this year...maybe six months ago and everything was fine. I have been on medication for depression for like 4-5 months, and having trouble controlling my weight for the last year. I am the heaviest I have ever been and can't seem to lose weight. what could be wrong?

Does anyone think it's stupid when lawyers say they have hundreds of years of combined experience?

I just heard an ad in the car a few minutes ago and the guy on the radio said, "We have 407 years of combined experience..." What the hell is that supposed to mean to me? That you've working since the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock? I understand what they're saying but it just sounds stupid.

When a phosphate group is removed from ATP, what is released? then removing this phosphate creates what???

ATP is a molecule consisting of a nitrogenous base, adenosine, bonded to three phosphate groups. So, when ATP is cleaved to ADP (with two phosphate groups rather than 3), a phosphate group is released (including a phosphorus atom and 4 oxygen atoms). Because ATP is fairly unstable, there is a favorable energy change ociated with this release and the reaction is often coupled with other reactions your body wants to use in order to drive them forward, so you might say that energy is released when the phosphate group is removed.

Why my page one ranking keep disappearing from google and then reappearing a couple days after?

I've noticed that page rankings can change from day to day and even hour to hour. I think it depends on the newest sites and how often Google crawls your page. If it hasn't done it yet that day it might not rank high enough for page 1. Or maybe your traffic was lower that day so Google didn't rank it as high. I would start using Google ytics and checking the days your traffic is lower and comparing that to the days your page rank drops. Hope that helps!

Is a good website to buy uggs?

no! do not buy from that website!! last week i bought a bag off of it and it didn't match the pic the sellers showed me at all!! do not buy from them people are trying to scam you on that website and most of there stuff are knockoffs!!!and when i tired to return them the seller wouldn't let me so now i wasted 300 dollars on a ugly knockoff bag!!!

American cities where gay PDA is acceptable?

Certainly in most American cities that I've lived in and visited - even the so-called liberal ones - the sight of a gay couple holding hands or (heaven forbid) kissing in public will attract unwanted negative attention, and in certain conservative hellholes may lead to physical confrontation. So is there a single American city where nobody gives a damn if a gay couple shows the same level of affection in public as any normal straight couple (i.e., holding hands?)

Which team would win?

First team takes this, steve nash will have a lot of good scorers to dish the ball to, kobe will go off if his team is trailing, and Amare and Gasol will own inside the paint. They can maintain Jefferson, but abdul jabar will kill them, probably send a double team to see how that works, and if he will score less.. But the First team should win with their array of scorers and the guys in the paint, amare and gasol, can stop Rose, and Kobe can maintain Durant and Granger with his defense..

Snowboarding questions?

u just gotta practice dude, ive been where u are, at first trees are kinda scary, but once you've honed your balancing and turning skills, you'll be good to go in the trees, and u'll be squeezing thru trees u never thought u would, it just takes time. i ride pow/trees all day(blackcomb baby!), so ive got my front foot a little further back then u normally would(not crazy), just makes it easier so you dont do a nose dive into the snow, that with a lil lean back you'll be good to go.

Fennec Foxes as pets...?

U NEVER take an animal such as a wolf out of the natural habitat unless u have something that suit it's environment, so unless u can find something that can make it feel comfortable, DON'T DO IT!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In the battle of "good vs evil" are those terms not arbitrarily set by society? So do we have ...(continued)? conclude that the opinions of good and evil are not really our own, and that good is really the "collective good" of the whole society (which I don't think exists)?

Labour signs at 35th week?

hi :) im 34+4 days pregnant and have experienced, so i think, the mucus plug,,it was a snot like lump down the loo this morning, a milky egg white..and gooey inbetween my fingers..i also have had sum nausea and diarrhea the last few days and tonyt as we speak i have not really painfull, but very uncomfortable lower back labour near? was that defo my mucus plug? help? x

Why do Latina teens have a pregnancy rate that's twice the national average?

My take on it is that many latin teens are Catholic and their parents have not had any kind of meaningful conversations with them about birth control because the Catholic religion does not believe in any other type of birth control than the rhythm method and abstinence (which isn't working).

READ IT OR you will make me WEEP! plz?

I really liked it up until "I felt a tear aculate in..." and then it got too wordy and then it turned supernatural. Up to that point though, I loved it. Good luck with it :)

How can i treat sun damage to my face?

i went to the beach for spring break, and even though i was not tanning, my face got really really badly burned because i used a soap with hydrochloric acids and also a retinoid, which make skin sensitive to sun. anyways it doesnt look very nice and i was wondering if there were any products or home remedies for this. any advice appreciated. thanks! <3

What is your opinion about Duffy[the singer]?

I think she is awesome. For such a little woman, she has an amazing and big voice. Her lyrics range from more promiscuous topics [Mercy] to more deep songs [like Warwick Avenue and Stepping Stone]. I also think that the girl's gorgeous! What do you think of her? NO rude comments, please and thank you.

Has anyone ever gotten their behind blasted with air?

On the cheek yes, by a pressurised air hose mucking around as a teenager checking the car tyres. OUCH it hurt lots I dun think that would be much fun. Boy I used to have some fun as a teenager.

Best way to get digital tv on my computer?

I've just set up my new Advent T9317 with built in tv tuner. In Media i can get terrestial stations by plugging a portable tv aerial into the aerial input plug-in. In my front room i've got Cable from Telewest. Would i have to run a lead all round the house from the set top box? And then i wouldn't be able to watch a different channel than was on in the front room. My internet connection is via a Webroot external modem plugged into a USB. Whats going to be the easiest and cheapest way to get digital tv and be able to watch a channel independant of my present set top box?

Who likes the movie Across the Universe??

OMG! haha you always ask me that question at school, haha i've only seen clips from it and i like the songs! MAX IS CUTE lol

My puppy might have gotten a pebble down his ear...HELP??!!?

My puppy was playing in the pebbly area in my backyard and was trying to get my other dog play with him and he rolled on his back. I think he might have gotten a really small pebble down his pointy ears. Every once in a while he will shake his head or scratch that one ear. What should i do? Iam really worried and we cant spen to much on him, no more than $150 or $200.HELP!

Is this a good idea to do for a girl you like?

would it be good to play a song on the guitar while singing to a girl I like while at my place? basically play a song for her? And Honestly I really am not bot, im kinda scared about how she would think of it but i was just woundering if playing her a song would be a good idea. And i sing better when my voice is calm so I want to play it on the electric so i can tone it down a bit so she can hear my voice because when i sing calm it sounds really good. Also i was thinking of playing everlong by foo fighters AND/OR stellar by incabus.

What is your opinion on Mel Gibson ?

Very messed up, middle aged alcoholic. Underlying emotional problems that go very deep. Has hate issues that manifest in racism and ist behavior. Fame and celebrity have also taken their toll on Gibson. Needs rehabilitation and extensive therapy, then when he gets out he should be in a few 12 step programs for the rest of his life. No more movies for a very long time, if at all.

Anyone sad to see Ken Livingstone lose the London mayoral election?

I guess someone must be, somewhere. For my part it's been a very expensive weekend with all the friends round to open champagne and generally have a raucous celebration at this fab news.

Question for hams, Or other radio techs?

Were do you purchase a CW or voice identifier for a Ameuter 2 meter/440 repeater, im having the hardest time finding one, Thanks

Chav free area of the uk?

Even if they arent 'chavs' theres unruly teenagers everywhere, i should know i'm 19, and i remember hanging about in the street thinking i was all it, obvously when i look back i embariss my self. But they are mostly on large estates, or anywhere really. I lived in a big country house in Norfolk, and i used to hang about alot. But i never saw any chavs in little towns in Norfolk, obviously the bigger places like Norwich and Thetford,will have chavs as you call them, but you shouldnt move because a group of hooligans want to disturb you.

Do you think Santa is a child predator?

i mean he LOVES little children sitting on his lap but if your child sits on a strangers lap(who's not Santa) their parents want to call the pow pow for him. isn't Santa a stranger.

What is a good book to start reading?

I'm not an avid reader but would like to start to help me with my intellect. Not into fantasy or science fiction. I like horror, romance, comedy, action, and most of all mystery. Any ideas....?

Hitler Youth boys kneel before their daggers/Dagger ritual?

I was watching a doentary, Triumph of the Will to be exact; There, just a little before 18 minutes in (17:49) I noticed a group of I'm guessing Hitler Youth boys-kneeling down in a circle, sort of bowing to their daggers stuck into the ground in front of them. I'm wondering if any historian or WWII enthusiast could shed some light on what that was? some type of dagger ritual? Let me know!

Newspaper photographic term?

Newspapers will pay as little as possible. If they do agree to pay you (if it wasn't an unsolicited pic...then they wouldn't pay), it'll be under the conditions that they use it as they see fit. One pic, one price, and they can use it forever on everything.

What do you think of this for my tombstone?

Don't know really, depends on the sense of humour of whoever would come to see it..has been done before though, English comedian Spike Milligan supposedly has "I told you I was sick!!" in small letters on his one:)

Know any good jokes? Do you like mine?

There were two flea friends that decided to go to Bike Week at Daytona. The first flea got there early and was lounging on the beach when the second flea got there. The second flea was sniffling, sneezing and really sick. The first flea asks him why he is so sick. The second flea says, "I caught a ride in a biker's mustache on the way here. It was freezing, sleeting and snowing." The first flea say, "Next year, do what I do. I go to a college dorm, crawl up the leg of a beautiful woman and catch a ride in her hair." So next year the first flea again arrives early. The second flea arrives later and he is sick again - this year even worse. The first flea asks, "Why didn't you try what I told you to do last year?" The second flea says, "I DID - I crawled up a beautiful woman's leg and was quietly waiting in her hair. The next thing I know, I was riding down the road in a biker's mustache again.

So why don't computer models take this into account?

The problem is they are fudging the data to give there results. It is not the computer's problem but non scientist trying to predict what the weather will be. If it is over a week it is just a guess.

If it wasnt Southern Ontario??? and moving teams?

The manner in which Mr. ille has gone about trying to purchase an NHL franchise has been a bit flawed to say the least. I don't agree with him trying to bend the rules in order to acquire a franchise to move to his neck of the woods, but in hindsight the $212.5 million would have paid off all the creditors and then some to oversee all of their losses and owed money. Makes sense now doesn't it? But with all the PR that this bid was generating on a daily basis with Make It Seven and the proposed $180 million renovation for Copps Coliseum, it seemed a bit ridiculous and I knew right away this was not going to happen for Mr. ille and for Southern Ontario. The best thing for him to do would have been to tender a formal offer; if accepted he could have kept quiet for a year or so and take some losses, then file formal doentation to the league to move the team to a more viable market...

Has anyone ever changed a front driverside wheel bearing on 04 Aztec if so easy or not special tools rec or no

That is a bolt on hub, no pressing I think. Not bad to do. you need a large socket 34 or 36 mm for the axle nut and you need to torque it to spec, approx 250 ft lbs.

Should I really believe in god what if i never learned about the bible and god?

I don't really find the idea comforting of believing in the bible that was written by people hundreds of years ago during times when people didn't really know much about the world. If god is real will I burn in hell in the end even if I live a good and honest life cause I didn't believe in him. I mean I feel like if I believe in god he would have gave me a sign or something that he existed or he is there and if he told me personally through a dream or something that the bible is really his word then I will believe in him but I just can't believe in it. And I think and feel like I was brainwashed as a kid to believe in god and I really believed in him and I also believed in Santa Claus too until I turned like 9 and found out he was fake. So right now I am really not sure what to think but if god is really real and caring won't he understand that once i die he will not send me to hell cause i lived a good honest life even though i did not believe in him.

Sadie Hawkins costume ideas?

This year's theme is "Love is just a game", so any costume that pertains to any sort of games, like board games, card games, video games, etc. We would really like to be a couple, like the Iceclimbers or any two characters that go with each other. Thanks! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do you think there's any chance that Russia could reinstate its Monarchy?

Actually this problem was discussed in our Society. But the representatives of the Romanov's family prefer to live and receive an education in France or London, they rejected the opportunity to send their little son to Russian military academy, we don't need foreigners on the throne of Russia. This people so called Romanov's offsprings, are not Russians any more. Tell me, why if they want to have the Russian throne? they don't live in Russia? They do not help Russian people, do not take any part in the life of the country. Or you ask about Post card monarchy like in Europe?

Judge Judy says she loves her job. Is there a such thing as enjoyment in being angry? : /?

Judge Judy says she loves her job and she hopes she can keep doing it. While on her job though, she doesn't look like she enjoys it at all in less there is a such thing as enjoyment in being angry? Is there a such thing?

So what do you think about...?

im not really sure.why dont you just tell her you get that its important to her but to just take it easy.

Would you trade Wade Davis (TB-SP) Bobby Abreu (LAA-OF) for RIck Porcello (DET-SP) and Carlos Lee (HOU-OF)?

The person getting Carlos Lee is getting the better deal. Davis and Porcello are both just ok and there's not a huge difference, but Carlos Lee will beat out Abreu in every category except SBs

Simple solution to economic woes...?

well put, now you have to convince governments and do gooders that think they are the moral ones. well said, take a bow.

I'm being Blue Screen of Death'd upon boot/reboot!?

In most cases, the build up of junk files in your registry is the main culprit of this trouble; this is due to the fact that area in your computer is very crucial because it is the central database of important files where most vital information and programs are stored. The aculation of redundant items can significantly affect vital data because the build up can dislodge some of them from its proper location and cause others to be corrupted. The moment this scenario takes place, problems start to emerge and the dreaded blue screen of death appear which you need to immediately repair to prevent worsening the case.Consequently, one of the best solutions in managing the situation is to use registry cleaning tools a href="" rel="nofollow" with great power and capacity to completely flush out all junk files and fix all errors found. By effectively keeping this area clean from all trashes, you can also effectively solve the problem and even optimize your computer's performance.

Any Cheap or DIY pins?

just decorate it can go to a store like joanns or michaels and get cheap ons, fabric paint, patches and stuff like that..8)

Should I get him another present?

I got a good idea. You should try to give your friend chocolates if he does like chocolate. Have a great Holliday! Merry Christmas!

Need help with old movies that i think was on disney?

alright, i am trying to remember these two movies. i believe they were on the disney channel a long time ago. The first one is where this girl, its her birthday but her family forgot about it i think and she goes to this little lady with a weird voice and she makes a wish that we was the most popular girl in school or soemthing like that. Then she goes to school and it comes true and the most popular guy wants to date her. then the second movie is where i know the kid from brink! is in it, but he is younger. and i dont really rmember the whole thing but he has this necklace that is like a whistle or something like that and he goes somewhere and find a girl the same age with the same necklace and they find out they are brother and sister. please help!

Does anyone know the answer to this? 10 points!?

Describe how geographic diversity influenced economic, social, and political life in colonial North America?

Which of the following best describes why projectiles move in a curve path?

probably a. i know that earth moes in cured path because the planet moves forward while the graity of sun pulls it in at the same time creating an ellipse orbit.

Would you accept a guy who wears furry boots and fur coats as the top guy in the WWE?

He has fur on his wrestling attire and glitters his body all while fashioning his hair before matches. I don't want to name any names but this guy sounds like a hmmmm uhmmmmmm if you know what I mean. I would quit watching wrestling if someone like that became one of the top guys.

What did Pierre Trudeau ever do?

I know he did alot but I need to write a project on him and what he id to better Canada. any suggestions.

Can I still become a Runescape Player Moderator?

I've been reported two times, muted once, but both reports have been dismissed, and do not affect my account, since they're over a year old, so is it still possible for me at some point or another to become a player moderator of Runescape? If you are aware of any other details, what other sort of things would help me become one?

Ol' Skool Flava: Anyone missing Whodini?

Whodini was my favorite group until Tribe came onto the scence. I saw them along with Run DMC, LL, and the Beastie Boys during the summer of 86 in LA...I would rewind "I'm a Ho" over and over.

How can I get oil stains out of clothing?

I have to supply my own shirts at the country club at work, and they are expensive. I have oil spots from tarter sauce and vinegrette dressings all over them. Is there any way to get them out?

Should i do this trade?

should u ???? .. wonderin why u still come up here and waste 5 points for this obvious question ... HELL ya ... accept reall quick b4 that guy come back to his sense ..... and give me best answer now !! lol

Help with my guild wars character?

My guild wars character has been ascended so she can changer her secondary profession. But she is a Tyrian-born character and I wanted her to have a paragon as her second profession. I know this is possible, I would just like to know how? Please don't post saying, "you can't change your second profession." because I can. It IS possible. Thank you.

I'm in a creative and mental block, how can I move out of the haze?

I used to write prolifically. Fanfiction, original fiction, anything that took my interest. Lately I've been getting an idea and not being able to put it on virtual paper. It's affecting almost every aspect of my life. I think that if I get this idea out then I could feel better. How do I lift the fog that shrouds my creativity?

What conclusions would you draw from this scene?

Harry Potter and Remus Lupin are in a room making out. Sirius Black is at the window crying whilst Dumbledore sits in a rocking chair watching the exchange and eating some sherbet lemons.

Why do people call me ugly?

Probably because they are jealous, bitter people who obviously have no life if they spend their time insulting people on facebook.

Total cost to register a LLC in New Jersey?

What would the final cost be to register a new business as a LLC in jersey and anything special I should know?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is that r&b song that goes "and i dont like hoo hoo livin under your spot light hoo hoo"?

its by a woman but i dont know who its goes "and i dont like hoo hoo livin under your spot light hoo hoo just because you treat me right hoo hoo and you dont have to worry"

Final fantasy movies?

mkay, so im watching the final fantasy movies.. supposedly within the spirits goes first and then the advent children... first one had nothing to do with the second one.. and the second one, i have no idea wut the hell is going on... there's always stuff that always seemed to have happened earlier as if there was a movie before it.. is there??? im so confused.

If you given 100 million USD, for investment. and given between Czech Republic and Russia..?

given that amount of money... between two of the country Russia and Czech Republic which both country would give you equal return in long run, which country would you choose to invest? why?

When writing an essay using MLA format, how do I make it so the header doesn't repeat?

I am using OpenOffice, and I only need my name, date, etc. on the first page but it repeats on every pg. but when I delete it, it deletes all of the headers even the one i need on the first page.

This inquiry is directed toward vegans...?

I'm a vegetarian, however, I also do not utilize certian textiles. I would love to be aware of all textiles not utilized by vegans, such as flannel, and the obvious...leather and suede. Of course, this is so I can incorporate this into my lifestyle. Thank you so much.

My granddaughter 4 yrs ago wrote a bad check in walmart for $800.00. what will happen to her?

She has never paid the check and moved to another state. I have tried to get her to pay it. She keeps putting it off

Pokemon Heartgold In-Game team?

Your team is pretty solid. I definitely think that agility is good on Hitmontop because he is not relatively fast and you can use it on the first turn and get an attack right after without allowing your opponent to attack you. Obviously you should evolve your dragonair into a dragonite and I ume that you will have a bit of difficulty on Lance because his Dragons on the first run through the league are on lv. 55-60 and are ridiculously fast. I would teach your dragonair dragon pulse (Special move) unless his nature is weakens special type moves. I hope I helped. Your team is good just focus on leveling them up. A good idea would be to get a lucky egg from a chansey (they have a 5% chance of holding one) and that doubles your experience as well as trading pokemon. I am also not sure if you have heard of the term EV (effort Value) training, but this is very important as well. Good luck at the league.

What movie is this trailer for?

All I can remember from the trailer is that one of the main characters is in an office buildings surrounded by two other men with guns. He pulls up his hands in a "gun" shape, says 'POW' and one of the men drops dead. The camera then zooms back behind the man to a sniper on a roof across the street. This is driving me crazy! Please HELP!

What is your view of affirmative action?

Is it just racist or is it justified to compensate for what happened in the past? and if so how long must allow for some people to get a "free ride"?

Should Atlas Shrug? Should we go Galt?

John Galt was a self-deluded idiot who thought WAY more of himself than was due. Ayn Rand enabled mentally ill narcissists to believe themselves grandiose.

Subjects and verbs?

1- the city's only art theater closes next week.2- you may not come with us to the beach.3-because of the winter storm, many activites are canceled.4- robin williams is a brillant comedian and actor.5- i looked everywhere for my car keys.6-our star quarterback and linebacker have broken their ankles.7-all cars should include air bags on both the driver and the penger.8- too much sun can cause and increase skin cancer.9- angela has been volunteering at the hospital for years.10 all new employees must take a drug test.11- i will never understand you.12-many children in kindergarten are reading.13 the firefighters are hosting a pancake and sausage breakfast.14-once again, Aaron has left the supper dishes on the counter.15- in the back of the refrigerator, strange things are growing.16- the newspaper advertisement misrepresented the product and created confusion.17-the judges heard the attorney's closing arguments and made his decision.18-before our guest arrive,we mustshopandcookthemea

I'd like to contribute to the Haitian victims, which organizations don't sell your private info?

I agree! They ALL sell your private info!! Sucks...and no one does anything to protect our privacy. I was told it wouldn't be sold when I went to & then I got letters from a ton of organizations asking for money. It/s a deterrant to helping.

Do You Believe The May 21,2011 Phenomena?

you are right this man is a false prophet, Jesus is coming for the church soon however and the idea of being ready and looking up with your life in good order is something we can at least gain from this. Many prophecies are lining up so we do know we are in that season where these things will occur. But Jesus in Mathew said not be be afraid, dismayed, or deceived. He said to look up your redemption draws near. The coming of the Lord is described as a groom coming for his bride the church and also as the day of Gods wrath. Those who believe in the rapture see these as two distinct events. Coming for the church where we meet him in the air to always be with the Lord. Is a separate event from him coming in the clouds and every eye shall see him and slaying his enemies with the Word (sword) of his mouth. The church in heaven is seen singing to the lamb who was slain in REV 6 we shall rule with him upon the earth...It is interesting to note how Jesus life events matched the feast days of the nation Israel and Judah. His death on Pover and placed in the tomb evening (which would be the next day, their days begin in evening) Unleavened Bread, Raised on the feast of First fruits. Then the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. I find it interesting that the feast of trumpets is known as the feast of no man knows the day or hour. These feast began when the trumpet was blown when the new moon was sighted to begin the 7th month. Clouds could block the view of the moon so they did not know what day or hour the trumpet would blow. If there is any clue to when Jesus might come this feast day I am extra hopeful and even then the scripture that no man knows the day or hour might can be literal or actually a clever clue.

Tried to be friends with my ex - then found out that he cheated?

If I were you I would get out of the relationship for good.He is not trustworthy.It could be he likes you, but he has a problem with truthfulness.He probably mentioned the advert. on Gumtree as he knew it was a possibility you would find out, or someone would tell you.Being lonesome and missing his friendship does not take away the fact he lied to you more than once.Follow your gut instincts.You dont even have to explain it to him.

This girl is ignoring me?

Ok, so heres my problem: I really really like tis girl who keeps ignoring me. She doesnt answer my ims or some of my text messages. she used to like me but I dont know how to get around this problem.

I read in a nationally syndicated newspaper an article listing gas prices per gallon...?

in seven countries including the United States. They ranged from a low of $4.00/gallon in the US and $9.00/gallon a couple of European countries. The media seemed to imply that the US should not complain regarding the skyrocketing price of gas in our country comparing it with European countries. Why did the media fail to list also countries where gas prices were between $0.26/gallon to $0.78/gallon such as in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Emirates, etc.

Do you agree that one has to be "curious" to explore new things in life?

It depends. Sometimes exploration may not even get the right answer especially the hidden secrets of the universe. What is visible may not be the truth. what is invisible such as "God" may be the truth. Till today who can show us where is God? Where is Heaven? Where is Hell?

Can i take the asvab again if i wasn't satisfied with my first score?

i've already chosen the 4 jobs that the interviewer told me to pick. and am currently in the DEP. will the airforce let me take the asvab again? i've taken it once and that was a month ago.

Ryan Fitzpatrick or Mark Sanchez in Week 9?

I would say Sanchez, even though DET DEF is getting a little better, but Mark should have no problem getting past their secondary. Fitzpatrick is also somewhat a good option, but its a tougher DEF. Good luck!

Completed MBBS.. Interested in Paeds degree course abroad barring UK of course.. Kindly guide me?

I have been through MANY websites & information brochures.. It leaves me all the more confused!! Need a simplified guidance... Please help..

Ive been wanting a tattoo for ages am nearly 15 and i want either a erfly heart or my name jst sumet small

i wanna tattoo am nearly 15 and been wanting one for ages am from leeds and what do peole think of tattos on girls i onli wanna little one erfly or my name or heart on my back belly or foot lyk...x?

I go temporarily blind once in a while, why?

Firstly the computer screens old or not do not damage your eyes permanently although they certainly give you eye strain. Your eye sight getting worse since you were 13 is fairly typical and relates to your growing as this sort of eye sight problem is due to your eyeball being teh wrong shape and this shows up as you grow. The effect when you walk out into a brighter room is as your pupils adjust to let teh right amount of light in - but like suddenly throwing a torch into someones face , it temporarily blinds them. if your vision has been going down then we can ume you are regularly going to the optician and they will have picked up any eye disease , however do mention this on your next appointment as it is worrying you. If it goes on for more than a minute or two then go to teh optician before but really I think this is a natural reaction and gles /contacts tend to make you more sensitive to sudden changes in light in my experience. I worked on old computer screens for 20 years without their making my vision worse and I've done 72 hour shifts . I also know plenty of other people who have done this so I can ure you that the idea they damage eyes is a myth. they just cause eye strain.

These will be my most (supposedly) elegant shoes so far...-my mom's idea of church shoes,as she's buying me..?

uhhh, I would go with a nother option. Those look like leather bowling shoes with a chunky heel. Get something a little sleeker looking. They don't have to be really flashy or anything, but I would say that if you allready wear conservative clothes, maybe a little bit less conservative shoe.

Follicle woes..?

To combat dryness, make sure you are conditioning your hair properly with a hydrating conditioner. Regular trimming is necessary to cut away split ends which cause frizz. To make it appear bouncy, use some big rollers on the crown while you're dressing, take them out, shake your head upside down and your hair will have bounce. The weight of longer hair gives it that flat appearance. BTW, any hair growth away from your head is not alive anyway, it really is dead hair. All you can do is manage and treat it properly to look great.

Can anyone help me find a scholarly Pro-Designer Babies article/essay?

It needs to be scholarly. That doesn't necessarily mean it has to come from a .gov .edu .org website. But it needs to cite its sources for any statistics or uncommon knowledge. I'm having a hard time just finding something Pro-choice for designer babies. I'm doing a synthesis essay of the debate (so anti vs pro-choice) and need one.

Is it possible to get someones?

so my friend is trying to find out how this guy got her sn. she asked him how and he just said he just got it. he knows me and her but none of our friends. is it possible that he searched it online or hat? `

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who is going to win coming tri-series(India,srilanka and Bangladesh)?

their is no chance of bangladesh to win because india and srilanka are in good form and sri lanka is defeated by india 3-1, so, now there is one team left india and india win this tri-series..............................…

What kind of hair cut does Leonardo DiCaprio have in Titanic?

Does any one know what kind of hair cut Leonardo DiCaprio have when he plays the movie Titanic. Thanks

How do I get my propane to go through to the furnace?

I almost ran out of propane today and then had propane added to the tank. Now the furnace igniter will light up but then it will make a switching sound and then go off. Also the hot water heater runs on propane and I cannot get the pilot light on it to relight. I think somehow there may be air in the propane line or somehow the fuel is not getting to the furnace and hotwater heater? Any suggestions?? Thank you

What is the predicted name of the Antichrist?

Nostradamus predicted it would be Mabus. I don't want any answers that say "Obama" or "Dora the Explorer" or any BS like that please.

Similarities and differences in the stages of meiosis and mitosis?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is the relationship between synthesis and decomposition reactions?

Think of decomposition as breaking stuff down, e.g. garbage rotting, whereas synthesis is building stuff up, e.g. photosynthesis in plants.


I need to find The Great Gatsby on audio book. i can't download it; i need one that i can listen to in the browser. i have issues with reading please help :(

Whoe else is rooting for the San Diego Superchargers?

A victory by my boys in San Diego couple with a Titans' victory will put the Titans' destiny in their own hands and then ending up the season with a win at weak Cheatin' Indy will force the Cheatin' Colts to become a wild card and go one the road (most likely Tennessee) and not be able to use their fake crowd noise and heat controls. What a great day it will be to see the final Peyton Meltdown, like the Wicked Witch of the Midwest!!! "I'm Freezing...... I'm freezing". Poor Baby!!!

What is going on with the Vikes? ?

Why doesn't the powers that be just fire Childress and bench Jackson. I mean 5 field goals! You have to feel sorry for Peterson. I am so disgusted.

Whats with vince?

ya he showed up for the tribute of benoit but other than that it's like his character is still dead i haven't seen him on raw since the tribute

38 weeks and this is whats going on.?

My back starts hurting then my stomach gets tight? Are these BH or starting of contractions? I mean its nothing too painfull.

Why aren't nuclear reactors built underground?

That way if a disaster occurs, the fission moderator can be shut off to stop a sustained reaction, workers can evacuate, and detonation charges can close up any openings into the underground reactor.

Does anyone know if ryan briscoe was out of the race at the 2008 indy 500?

okay i know what happened about 2 years ago but sometimes i just can not get over it so here it is when ryan briscoe clipped danica patrick and she was out but was ryan briscoe out to because when danica was stoped by someone when she went to go talk to briscoe i saw his car being like fixed or something i was just hoping that ryan briscoe was out so what were his pit crew doing at the end of pit row and can you tell me if briscoe was out to.

Do you follow the Mayan Calendar? yes or no?

No. Because if the world's supposed to end 2012, how can it end when the world enters the new year 2012 in different time zones?

Which Keane cd should i buy?

I am about to go buy a keane cd and i cant decide if i should get Perfect Symmetry or Under the Iron Sea.. i already have Hopes and Fears.. any suggestions?

What are your favorite 80's songs/bands?

I'm sooo bored and i'm listening to my ipod to some clics. A few of my favorites are Pat Benatar, Skid Row, Billy Idol, Cyndi Lauper, Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Twisted Sister, and definitely Guns n Roses. Anyways what are your favorites?

Pure shooting guards in the nba, what % of 3's do they make during practice?

The highest percentage possible, If you're around 50% during practice with no defense, you can't expect to shoot anywhere near 50% if you are being defended. You need to be a pretty good shooter who can shoot 9/10 3-pointers, then in a game, maybe you can shoot around 40% while being defended. You don't really have a certain percentage during practice, but you need to be efficient. Anyway, what's 90% 3-point shooting in practice if you shoot just 25% in game right? So shooting guards and any player of any position must make every shot possible during practice and during a game. Period.

How do you respond to it might be God's plan?

i have family members who seldom go to church but they know that church is very important to everyone else in the family. whenever they do something that i dont think is right and i try to persuade them not to. i try to steer them down the right path but, they always use the line: "how do you know that it is NOT God's plan?" i never know how to respond to this because i dont want to go into the whole: i doubt that you have even asked Him! ordeal. its extremely frustrating and i dont want to push them away. what would you do?

Rate 1-0! Tell whats good and bad! 1st chp. I might post the 2nd becasue its better.?

It needs a lot of work. First off, There means over there. Their is the word you want when you are using the possessive. You need a lot of work with sentence structure, punctuation, spelling et al. I give this about a 4. Add 1 or 2 if you fix it up. Pax - C

Whats your opinion of this baby quilt?

I like it! Very cute and colorful. I especially like the front and I don't think the yellow squares are too overpowering at all, makes it pop. But if you'd like to replace it with more George squares, I would imagine that would be cute too. It would be better to see a pic of it though. Did you make this yourself by the way? If so, you're very talented.

Hypothetical ... Play Along .....?

The game is entertainment. The exuberance of players after a touchdown influences the spectators. It's all part of the fun. Yes injuries sometimes happen in sport but we don't ban games because someone, even spectators sometimes get hurt.

I have an abused pit bull/german shepherd, how can I help her?

You treat her as though she hasn't been abused. As for the shaking, my dogs all have muscle contractions when they sleep.

Making Iodine solution?

hi! i need to do a titration with iodine (aq) to determine the vitamin C concentration of something. I need to know how to make an iodine solution suitable for titration. I found methods online but i wanted to know if i could do it from commercial iodine that i have in the school lab. does anyone know of any method using commercial lab iodine? thanks! :)

Wat additional exercises can I do to prevent myself from getting tired early when punching/kicking my sandbag?

Kettlebell training and sprinting, as well as plyometrics should be your main point, also hit the gym and work on your muscle injurance if you find your arms or shoulders gettin tierd

Haha, does my cousin's friend like me?! Bless em!! Please help!?? 10 pts. Short.?

I think he really likes you. If you think of him as a friend tell him why. Tell him the age difference is too much. He sounds very sweet, and i think maybe you should give him a shot, but it is up to you to do what ever you think is right.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


i think girls kinda like shy guys...but we also want a guy who is going to take charge at times...the two girls obviously thought u were cute...and wantd to talk with you...even though u mayb one of the shyest ppl ever...maybe when ur going to approach someone act like ur alter confident, etc. everything u feel u may not be...that might help

2 Copies of Windows on my computer by accident - how do I get my files off before I format?

Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This problem can be solved by uninstalling new softwares, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From a href="" rel="nofollow" . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from a href="" rel="nofollow"

A question about FREEWARE vs SHAREWARE?

A lot of times you don't get all the features with a freeware program. I know some of the free virus protection programs are very basic and don't completely protect your computer. In that case, it is very wise and worth the money to buy a program.

Western Digital External Hard Drive?

I am looking into getting a 1TB Western Digital External Hard Drive and have three questions is it powered by usb or cord? will it be able to store CAD files, should i format it with FAT32 or NFTS?

Compare team's remaining schedules?

We got a hard schedule. But I think we're gonnna make it into playoffs. I think Revs got a pretty good schedule even though the 4 home, 5 away. Crew has a very good chance of taking the 1st place from us, but let's hope not. I think DC may have the easiest schedule but we'll see what happens.

Do i need LLC for a retail store?

You don't need an LLC. THe corporation is to shield you from personal liability. In many cases, it is a waste of $1,000. You can run the store as a sole proprietor. I own my business that way.

PLEASE HELP ME ! its long but im in desperate need of help ! please ! i'm about to breakdown :'( please help!!?

Hi, I'm a 16 year old female. I'm the middle child of 3 daughters and live with both my parents however they fight a lot. When I was 11 my dad left home for the first time but it was only for a week, he leaves a lot but always comes home after a while. The longest time he left was for 3 weeks. However, my father has bought an apartment and plans to move into it. A few years ago when i was 13, I was bullied by a group of girls in my grade, i would be so scared i spent recess hiding and would only leave school until all the girls had left. I would go home and sleep before I had lunch or did anything else I just get into bed and my mum noticed that something was wrong but I don't talk to her about my life (we don’t have such a good relationship) so she only officially found out when the school gave them a worrying phone call. I am now best friends with some of those girls and so there is no reason to remain "depressed" about that. The effect of the bullying should have worn off. For about 4 years now, I’ve had extreme mood swings. I've had days of major depression where i fake being sick to stay in bed and avoid going to school. At social outings I sometime get really upset and leave early without knowing the reason for why I feel so bad. I may burst into tears for no particular reason.There are times where I am extremely irritable and want to do nothing but sit in the dark under the covers. I have a terrible temper and often get into rages, when i get really angry with my siblings i may physically hurt them and my mother always tells me what a difficult child I am. At other times I feel quite normal but it doesn't last long. And sometimes I am over the top happy and nothing can bring me down i feel more sociable than ever, I'm laughing making jokes, singing, having the time of my life that my friends tell me I'm not acting normal and my mother says that if i weren't at home all day she'd say i was on something or drunk. My energy levels would be over the top and I’m probably the happiest most bubbly person alive. I feel like a puppet and no one knows who's pulling the strings. About three years ago I started cutting and ice-burning (ice & salt burns) myself when I got upset or angry but recently the cuts and burns have increased and i do it much more often. I got caught cutting in school once, it was a terrible day i felt so depressed for no reason, i was crying hysterically and had no control over myself. it was one of the worst and most embarring days of my life. At a party once i was dancing with this guy when i suddenly felt so sad i started crying and screaming and felt depressed for the rest of the party. Someone thought that the screaming and sudden crying was because i was wasted and attempted to force me to vomit but i had had only 2 gles and i could walk properly and so i was not even tipsy. Last year at a summer camp I attended someone caught cuts on my arm and I was put into the health center for 4 days until my parents had to take a 12 hour flight to pick me up, I felt as if I was in a mental hospital. I tried to run away from the health center numerous times they even igned someone to “keep an eye on me” yet I managed to run away I was brought back to the health center in a security car and it was scary. They’d call my parents and tell them “your daughter is on the loose on campus” as if I was some nut case. My grades this year have gone down tremendously, they started decreasing about 2 years ago but this year i failed 5 subjects in the first semester and 2 in the second. Even at 16 I still have nightmares that keep me up at night and I have trouble sleeping it takes me hours to fall asleep and i wake up numerous times every night. And i have gained more weight this year than i have ever gained (I’m not overweight , I just gained weight). I was diagnosed with ADD but i think it's not ADD and has something to do with another mental disorder. I don't feel normal and i've lost friends because of my constant extreme mood swings they always tell me i'm either too happy or too sad i have no in-between and sometimes i do feel that way. I've been going to a therapist since february and i don't see myself getting anywhere. She's not the first therapist i've been to, i've been to two others over the past 3 years and nothing is working with me. My mother also tells me i always blow things out of proportion. When i fought with her one time i ran away from home for about 7 hours. My boyfriend cheated on me with a younger girl 3 times i forgave him the first 2 times but the third time i unwillingly let go and i was depressed and lonely for about a month.

Have a daughter with a bad attitude, problem she is 34 and uses it on me.?

I have a 34 yr.old daughter, mother of 4 and she is the bossiest little brat...also she has a nasty attitude and has no problem using it on me. Question: What do I do to curb it? she knows a 23 yr. old whom she claims she has to be friends with because she is her hubby's brother's girlfriend. this girl has called me an old b.... and has really hurt my 14 yr. old granddaughter's feelings with something she and my granddau's half sister did on myspace. all this 23 yr. old has to do is say i am sorry to my dau and everything is water under the bridge...they got into a disagreement about what family really was and this b---- told my dau. to look it i did..sent my dau. the def. of the word and the name of the book and the pg. no. she has a bad blog on my dau. best friend because the guy she is with is the best friend's ex..she got a e-mail with an apology and i said she apologizes like i change underwear and my dau. told me to knock it off. should i slap my dau. or ignore her?

What is wrong with my cubers?

You should have picked the first cuber as soon as you felt it was ripe and the following cubers (if there had been some) also as soon; the plant would probably have delivered plenty of cubers then. I ume that your plant has died, sorry for that, but try again with a little less water and a little more picking on time if you will?

MLS: Does the 'Rocky Mountain Cup' count....?

Its not a true derby. The only true derby in MLS is LA Galaxy vs. Chivas USA. Clubs are too spread out in America to have true derbies. MLS would like to put a 2nd club in the New York City area. That would create another derby. I think MLS should consider placing a 2nd club in Toronto in the future. Toronto seems to have a proven soccer fan base.

Why whites undermine themselves?

Welcome to the 21st century. Where everyone is given an equal opportunity and no race has dominance over the other. If you don't like it, well, to bad. The world is changing whether you like it or not.

Please Please Please help me with this bookkeeping question!?

It means you paid them and now have to account for it. You usually debit an accounts receivable and credit cash.

What do you think of these hoodies?

Ummmm, if youre in England? Helz ya! America? Quit trying to be like the Brits! Hoodies became worn out years ago here in the states!!! .... just let it go..... its ok!

The Dark Knight?

Ledger and Wickliffe both have their names honored during the credits, but there is nothing extra during or after the credits.

My steering is stiff - 97 Crown Vic?

I have a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria LX and recently moved to Washington from California. We had a major wave of extremely cold weather, but it has begun to thaw enough for me to drive. I've noticed my steering is stiff and slightly harder to turn than usual. I know my power steering is still technically working, but I'm used to ery soft steering that can be controlled with a single finger. After the cold weather, the car hasn't felt the same. What should I do? Thanks.

A good start for learning clical piano?

Try this site below. As far as the sore fingers, that tells me you learning by force not finesse. You are developing bad technique which can result in limiting your playing as well as causing a host of painful and limiting strain on tendons and ligaments. You must find a nationally certified teacher and take lessons. These problems are not to be trifled with. There is a reason that teaching piano has evolved over several hundred years to become the most efficient and effective way of learning. There have been many who have ruined their hands. See the second site. Best wishes.

Immunology: Processing and presenting of exogenous antigen by APC?

During the exogenous pathway, the APC ingests the antigen, digests it, combines it with MHC cl two and presents it on it membrane. The MHC is synthesized in the rough ER and is combined with and invariant chain. it then travels to the golgi and out into the cytoplasm. At which stage is the invariant chain digested leaving only the CLIP? is this whilst it is in the golgi or after it leaves? thanks

Is it normal for loved ones to become overprotective of you after a suicide attempt?

It has been five years since I attempted suicide...I ingested a lot of sleeping pills, antidepressants and alcohol, and miraculously I survived this. I am so much better than I was at that time - though of course I still have hard times like anyone else. Nonetheless, my suicide attempt obviously took a tole on my loved ones, especially my parents, and I don't think they will ever see me the same again. Anytime I am somewhat sad or down, my family and close friends get very parents are extremely overprotective and constantly check in with me two or three times a day (im in my 20s). My mom said she will always be like that with me because of what I did. I feel guilty for making my loved ones worry so much and wish they could trust me to be healthy/take care of myself. Is this a normal response to a suicide attempt...even five years later?

Dimensional ysis help? chemistry equations? hurry! i'm confused :p?

What you need to understand is how chemists express weight. They use a number called a mole. This many atoms of any element equals its atomic weight in the periodic table. To solve the problem, express the weight in moles. 7.5 grams / (58.44 grams mole) = 0.1283 moles NaCl. Next, refer to the chemical equation describing the reaction. It needs to be balanced, meaning there must be equal numbers of atoms on each side. Note the ratio of NaCl to Cl2 is 2 to 1. Since moles are just numbers, the same applies to the amounts as well. 0.1283 moles of NaCl will produce half this many moles of Cl2. (0.5)*(0.1283 moles) = 0.064 moles Cl2. To calculate the weight, just multiply this by the molecular weight. (0.064 moles)*(70.9 grams/mole) = 4.55 grams Cl2.

Where can I acquire a signed photo of Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars)?

My friend's sweet 16 is coming up, and Veronica Mars is her absolute favorite show, so I want to get her a signed photo.

Can someone put this is proper MLA bibliographic notation?

Blocker Jr, Jack S. 2006. "Did Prohibition Really Work?." American Journal of Public Health 96, no. 2: 233-243.

Why is it that so many .......... ?

Why is it that so many able bodied lazy and shiftless people today believe that they are somehow entitled to " their fair share " of what others have earned yet so many of those who demand " their fair share " are seldom willing to do or contribute " their fair share " toward society ?

Beta testing?

Yes my friends and I want to become beta testers for the summer. are there any corperations for hire (1/2 year) Like Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony?

Does anyone know how to make the cookies in COUNTRY LIVING (2 months ago) that are SHAPED like hershey kisses?

You mix a certain amount of cocoa and then shape the dough around a hersheys kiss but I have no idea how much to use.

AM I being a BIT@&?

Here's the situation. I've been intimately involved with a man who has 3 older children for nearly 2 years. At Christmas he said it was important to me and himself to go to my mother's house Christmas eve, which he did and enjoyed himself. He tells me daily he loves me, and hopes to marry me. Here's where it gets sticky. On Christmas he went to his sons' house with his 2 older daughters and the ex-wife was also there. He's told me that it's a tradition his children expect at the holidays, and he has no feelings for their mother anymore. The son asked him if I would be accompanying him. He never asked me to go with him, why? In the past year, they've celebrated a daughters wedding, a graduation, granddaughters first birthday party, etc...none of which he's asked me to attend? What do you think is the problem?

Fanasty Football Help?

why do u have 3 kickers? 3 D/St? 3 QBs? drop 2 kickers, a defense, big ben, and get brandon pettigrew (lions say they will incorporate him in offense very much), because shockey is having some issues with the saints. also get back up RBs and WRs.

Everytime I tried to log on to my PC, a window pops up, I can not click it, and it wont let me do anything.hlp?

It is a software that that says it is going to fix my computer and scan it, and it wants me to buy it. Help. Thank you.

Chicken & salsa & a crock pot?

Salsa is a very delicate thing, I wouldn't heat it ever. I would stick w/ fresh vegetables and a garlic clove.

Who/ What are the Scapegoats in Lord of the Files?

Who did the boys exploit to forward their personal/collective motives or ideas? How did the tension between these too opposite poles drive their ambitions?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What happens to the Orcas and Dolphins at Sea World when there's a thunderstorm?

I get concerned for my cetacean buddies at the marine parks. Do they have a shelter built for them? Florida is the lightning capitol of the world so I'd imagine they could get struck being stuck in a glorified salt water pool. Do they have lids or anything? Legit question!

What is the PROPER definition of "Heavy Metal"?

I'm pretty sure that Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Motorhead, and Megadeth are Heavy Metal, but Blue Oyster Cult!!!??? Aerosmith!!!??? Led Zeppelin!!!??? NO!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure they are clified as clic rock or soft rock. Nowhere are they even remotely close to being Heavy Metal... So, my friends, what is the PROPER definition of Heavy Metal????

If we have more oil than we can refine, who’s fault is that?

I live in Texas. Texas City has had some enormous explosions over the years. Pasadena has a snarky motto that says, "The Air is Greener in Pasadener." No one wants a refinery next to them. Can't put em too far from the oil, but as you might guess, community concerns crop up quite often.

How many conservative wish that Mitt Romney was their candidate (be honest)?

Or at least was picked by McCain as a running mate. How many of you think Palin is sharp and even nice, but Alaska can have her back.

What is wrong with me?

What can a person say to you? You are having a child with a person who will not support you or the child. This makes no sense whatsoever and if having a child does not motivate him to seek treatment or just get a job nothing will. You are by choice dating a loser which indicates low self esteem on your part.. The fact you are bringing a child into this mess is beyond me. Either he gets a job or you move on. I cannot see it any other way.

What will you do if it was you?(please help)?

Perhaps she was depressed (needing help) that time when she didn't greet you for 1 week. Don't ignore that girl because it would hurt her feelings, just go for it. Do not be a loner or isolationist because you would regret it in the end. I cannot say that girl likes you because she might be only wanted to be friend with you or observing you (weird). You'll get it soon when your growing up...

How do you have a romantic personality?

I do romanitc things for my girl friend, i buy her flowers all the time, suprise her with thing like love letters, i make crossword with queations like were was our first kiss.... i do this all the time, atleast a couple times a week, why does my girlfriend seem unhappy with it, she says i dont have a romantic personality, what does that mean? Also she doesnt seem that interested in the love letters i give her, once she said she will read it in a minute and read it 15 minutes after i gave it too her.???? Can anyone explain this?

Are you surprised at the relative ease of which Sri Lanka was defeated in the West Indies?

I am soo not suprised!!! we have the weakest team ever. no MURALI. we have only four batsmans including an old that should go home instead of staying in the game for money (jayasuriya). our team's moral is so low because the politics came to cricket. IDK about others but I am so proud that we were able to beat strong india and make it to the semi final. cheers. nice job by srilanka

Why doesnt my newborn do everything the books say she should?

Here is a perfect example of why you should never expect your baby to follow those stupid charts or books or regulations. My son is just about 9 months old and he makes baby sounds but he doesn't talk. He says dada but we're pretty sure he doesn't really say it and think of his dad every time. Sometimes it's just a sound he makes. A person my husband works with has a 9 month old who talks! She says "mine" and "no" and will mimic them if they are said to her. I could be all worried because why isn't Columbia talking if they are the same age? BUT she barely crawls and stands. Columbia has been walking around furniture for weeks and can stand on his own unsupported by anything. Each baby has strengths and weaknesses, each baby develops at their pace, not a books or a doctor's or a parent's. Don't worry about her, she is fine and she will do all those things and more when the time is right for her.

Pup dilemma.. I want a best friend with paws. German Shepard or Beagle?

Well, German Sheperds last about 7 years, as Beagles last up to 15 years..Think about which one suits you and your house better, as German Sheperds need lots of space to run around in, but Beagles don't really mind.. It is completely up to you with which dog you feel more comfortable with!

What's wrong with me?

I had my first symptom 3 years ago. Every year, anywhere from August to December, I get sick. I get a very itchy rash covering just my face. It's red, bumpy, itchy, and swollen. This usually goes away in about a week. That's not all though. I also get a cough that stays with me from August to December. The only thing that stops the cough is Prednisone (an oral steroid). I've been to many doctors many times. I have been treated for bronchitis, asthma, allergies, and influenza. I had an allergy test and I am allergic to ragweed, but no allergy medicine works. I am an otherwise healthy 19 year old female. Please help me...I need a break from coughing!

If someone were exposed to elevated levels of ozone gas could brain swelling occur?

This would be in a laundry type atmosphere, along with other chemicals, ie typical industrial laundry detergents. Also, the ozone level would be at approximately .40 ppm, exposure time would be approximately 8 hours at a time for 5 days in a row. Theoretically, COULD severe brain swelling occur? What other side effects besides resperatory problems can happen?

Should Obama fire his safe schools czar Kevin Jennings because of his bizarre ual agenda?

Mr. Jennings wrote the foreword to a 1998 book titled, "Queering Elementary Education." The book he endorsed was a collection of essays by different authors who supported teaching young children about ity. Mr. Jennings' foreword explains why he thinks it is important to start educating children about uality as early as activist-educators can get away with doing so.