Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is it normal for loved ones to become overprotective of you after a suicide attempt?

It has been five years since I attempted suicide...I ingested a lot of sleeping pills, antidepressants and alcohol, and miraculously I survived this. I am so much better than I was at that time - though of course I still have hard times like anyone else. Nonetheless, my suicide attempt obviously took a tole on my loved ones, especially my parents, and I don't think they will ever see me the same again. Anytime I am somewhat sad or down, my family and close friends get very parents are extremely overprotective and constantly check in with me two or three times a day (im in my 20s). My mom said she will always be like that with me because of what I did. I feel guilty for making my loved ones worry so much and wish they could trust me to be healthy/take care of myself. Is this a normal response to a suicide attempt...even five years later?

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