Thursday, August 18, 2011

I been going to LDS church for a year now and was batize?

I was baptize 6 mouth ago they made me a "ward missary" so I go out with the missionary's a lot they took me to a a house 1 block down the street from where I live that had 2 black guys and 2 white woman and grand mother and 6 kids. I want nothing to do with niger lovers. even woes there are only a block from me. In past I would burn a cross on there lawn but I left the heads years ago. I told the missarys to never call me again. There is cute chick church I go to so I might keep on going but I hate them for this. what should I burn. the black person home most likley a rental, missionary home, the church, the closes temple. the stake center, Thomas mostin. WHAT SHOULD I BURN????

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