Thursday, August 18, 2011

I believe our society sorely lacks a coming of age moment for young people. What do you think?

I'm 27, turning 28 this Sunday. sigh. I feel old, and, I don't feel like an adult at all. It's funny. I hear the following remark all the time, "I don't feel like an adult either. I'm still just a big kid." You know, it seems to me that the majority of adults, don't feel like adults. Why is that? I believe it is because most adults have never had a coming of age experience or series of experiences. A coming of age experience is one where a young person is pushed to their limits, when they are forced to dig deep inside themselves to find the strength to surmount obstacles. / I'm a deep lover of Japanese Anime and it is a recurring theme in nearly every show : a young person must experience profound trials of the mind, heart and soul in order to truly find themselves, their own inner strength, their true potential. / I think that what I feel, and most adults feel, is the absence of that strength inside of us, that true potential unlocked. If this is the case, the need is intringent.

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