Thursday, August 18, 2011

How much longer can the USA continue on it's present course?

I say not much longer, it's obvious the people do not control the Government anymore, especially the last 30 years, I have heard some say it's time for a revolution, and some say everything is ok, I think the country is being destroyed from the inside, the multinational corporations finance the political candidates, look at Romney with his millions, the voting machines are electronic, so when we vote and it goes into cyber space they can change it at will, they aren't kicking the illegals out, they are meddling in every foreign nations they can, the country is falling apart and we are in such deep debt, it can't be paid, sooner or later the people will have to do something, Obama said we would get change, but it's no different than Bush, free trade is a failure, no jobs are being created, we could get together and do like Gandhi did, simply refuse to cooperate, if everyone resisted until the government agreed to be reformed, we could clean house and get a fresh start, clean the slate back to the Constitution and start over, a quiet kind of revolution.

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