Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why does it seem that the majority of atheists and also evolutionists say they’re Democrats / liberals?

Very interesting question. Even though the thought had crossed my mind before, I’ve never really spent any time focusing on the idea. It seems to me, that if you read your Bible, you’ll find a lot of ideas that might be considered conservative or “Republican”, though I do hate to use that word in this context. I don’t really consider myself a Republican, though I do much more often than not, vote that way. (If a religious conservative is the same thing as a Republican, then I guess I’m guilty). Anyway, having read through the Bible I have found a lot of ideas that Republicans cling to; such as the value of an unborn child (abortion issues), capital punishment, capitalism, fair taxation, restitution for wrong doing, and even the Biblical account of creation. Christians tend to read their Bibles, or at least go to church and hear what the Bible says, and therefore will be influenced by what they hear and read. Non-Christians tend not to read the Bible or go to church and therefore are not influenced by sound Biblical doctrine. (Yes, I know I’m making a general statement, and there are exceptions, so please don’t send me any letters). You are correct in your observation in the general moral decline of the United States. Crime rates have risen considerably, abortion rates have risen, divorce rates have climbed, the number of unwed mothers have risen, and the amount of influence the Church has on the U.S. has greatly decreased. I’m sure you could ask a question about the correlation between the increase of problems in the U.S. vs the decrease of the influence that God has on this country. This really shouldn’t surprise us any though. After all, the Bible tells us that narrow is the way that leads to righteousness and few find it, but wide and easy is the path to destruction. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

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