Monday, August 15, 2011

I need baby advice! My 9 month daughter is struggling to sleep in her own bed?

It sounds like you have tried about everything you can do and the choice is now up to you what you continue to try. I have never been a fan of the "cry it out" method, but if you choose this, you have to just keep it up, night after night, until your daughter realizes that she has to go back to sleep. Some children it will only take a couple nights, others it could go on for a week or more, but you have to be persistent in it or it will not work. At 9 months old your daughter has probably started teething so putting her to bed with a bottle is not a good idea because it could rot her teeth, but if a pacifier is not soothing her either, you may just have to wait for this "phase" to p. Babies go through this, especially separation anxiety around 9 months and several other stages where they just don't want to sleep. Your daughter sounds like she enjoyed your company and I know that everytime my daughter is sick, ear infection,cold, shots, etc. I always let her sleep with me because I feel bad for her and want to snuggle her until she feels better, so every parent is different. And again it is your choice and don't let anyone make you feel bad about what you decide to can let her cry it out or you can continue to comfort her in your bed until this phe pes. You might get helpful suggestions if you google "separation anxiety and sleeping". Good Luck!

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