Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I really believe in god what if i never learned about the bible and god?

I don't really find the idea comforting of believing in the bible that was written by people hundreds of years ago during times when people didn't really know much about the world. If god is real will I burn in hell in the end even if I live a good and honest life cause I didn't believe in him. I mean I feel like if I believe in god he would have gave me a sign or something that he existed or he is there and if he told me personally through a dream or something that the bible is really his word then I will believe in him but I just can't believe in it. And I think and feel like I was brainwashed as a kid to believe in god and I really believed in him and I also believed in Santa Claus too until I turned like 9 and found out he was fake. So right now I am really not sure what to think but if god is really real and caring won't he understand that once i die he will not send me to hell cause i lived a good honest life even though i did not believe in him.

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