Friday, August 12, 2011

Pokemon Heartgold In-Game team?

Your team is pretty solid. I definitely think that agility is good on Hitmontop because he is not relatively fast and you can use it on the first turn and get an attack right after without allowing your opponent to attack you. Obviously you should evolve your dragonair into a dragonite and I ume that you will have a bit of difficulty on Lance because his Dragons on the first run through the league are on lv. 55-60 and are ridiculously fast. I would teach your dragonair dragon pulse (Special move) unless his nature is weakens special type moves. I hope I helped. Your team is good just focus on leveling them up. A good idea would be to get a lucky egg from a chansey (they have a 5% chance of holding one) and that doubles your experience as well as trading pokemon. I am also not sure if you have heard of the term EV (effort Value) training, but this is very important as well. Good luck at the league.

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