Monday, August 15, 2011

Really worried now.?

my cycle has been messed up for the last 4 months or so. I had a period in march, then skipped april. Had a really short but heavy period in may, and now I have skipped both june and july. I just saw my OB the first week in april and everything was fine, my problems statred right after that. I had been on nuvaring up until a month ago, but decided to give my body a rest since I have been so irregular. My husband and I have been very good about using condoms the week the ring is out AND the last month that I have not been using it, so I am not sure that pregnancy could be possible. I am only 33, so I think it is kind of early for the beginings of menopause. I just had thyroid and diabetes tests done ealrier this year...maybe six months ago and everything was fine. I have been on medication for depression for like 4-5 months, and having trouble controlling my weight for the last year. I am the heaviest I have ever been and can't seem to lose weight. what could be wrong?

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