Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why doesnt my newborn do everything the books say she should?

Here is a perfect example of why you should never expect your baby to follow those stupid charts or books or regulations. My son is just about 9 months old and he makes baby sounds but he doesn't talk. He says dada but we're pretty sure he doesn't really say it and think of his dad every time. Sometimes it's just a sound he makes. A person my husband works with has a 9 month old who talks! She says "mine" and "no" and will mimic them if they are said to her. I could be all worried because why isn't Columbia talking if they are the same age? BUT she barely crawls and stands. Columbia has been walking around furniture for weeks and can stand on his own unsupported by anything. Each baby has strengths and weaknesses, each baby develops at their pace, not a books or a doctor's or a parent's. Don't worry about her, she is fine and she will do all those things and more when the time is right for her.

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