Friday, August 12, 2011

Do You Believe The May 21,2011 Phenomena?

you are right this man is a false prophet, Jesus is coming for the church soon however and the idea of being ready and looking up with your life in good order is something we can at least gain from this. Many prophecies are lining up so we do know we are in that season where these things will occur. But Jesus in Mathew said not be be afraid, dismayed, or deceived. He said to look up your redemption draws near. The coming of the Lord is described as a groom coming for his bride the church and also as the day of Gods wrath. Those who believe in the rapture see these as two distinct events. Coming for the church where we meet him in the air to always be with the Lord. Is a separate event from him coming in the clouds and every eye shall see him and slaying his enemies with the Word (sword) of his mouth. The church in heaven is seen singing to the lamb who was slain in REV 6 we shall rule with him upon the earth...It is interesting to note how Jesus life events matched the feast days of the nation Israel and Judah. His death on Pover and placed in the tomb evening (which would be the next day, their days begin in evening) Unleavened Bread, Raised on the feast of First fruits. Then the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. I find it interesting that the feast of trumpets is known as the feast of no man knows the day or hour. These feast began when the trumpet was blown when the new moon was sighted to begin the 7th month. Clouds could block the view of the moon so they did not know what day or hour the trumpet would blow. If there is any clue to when Jesus might come this feast day I am extra hopeful and even then the scripture that no man knows the day or hour might can be literal or actually a clever clue.

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