Sunday, August 14, 2011

If it wasnt Southern Ontario??? and moving teams?

The manner in which Mr. ille has gone about trying to purchase an NHL franchise has been a bit flawed to say the least. I don't agree with him trying to bend the rules in order to acquire a franchise to move to his neck of the woods, but in hindsight the $212.5 million would have paid off all the creditors and then some to oversee all of their losses and owed money. Makes sense now doesn't it? But with all the PR that this bid was generating on a daily basis with Make It Seven and the proposed $180 million renovation for Copps Coliseum, it seemed a bit ridiculous and I knew right away this was not going to happen for Mr. ille and for Southern Ontario. The best thing for him to do would have been to tender a formal offer; if accepted he could have kept quiet for a year or so and take some losses, then file formal doentation to the league to move the team to a more viable market...

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