Saturday, August 13, 2011

Need help with old movies that i think was on disney?

alright, i am trying to remember these two movies. i believe they were on the disney channel a long time ago. The first one is where this girl, its her birthday but her family forgot about it i think and she goes to this little lady with a weird voice and she makes a wish that we was the most popular girl in school or soemthing like that. Then she goes to school and it comes true and the most popular guy wants to date her. then the second movie is where i know the kid from brink! is in it, but he is younger. and i dont really rmember the whole thing but he has this necklace that is like a whistle or something like that and he goes somewhere and find a girl the same age with the same necklace and they find out they are brother and sister. please help!

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