Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How long before the Bible is dealt like the Greek Myths? Hopefully soon?

Now, smart people, we all know the Bible is one of many books portraying mythical beings, in order to shed light on our morality. It is great to know that some human very long ago was caring enough to try and spread his views on morality, which was accepted throughout the world for thousands of years. We know that's how it was with the Greek Gods, the Mayans, the Egyptians, and finally Christianity. Therefore morality came before "God," therefore we do not need the Bible to lead "Christian-like" lives, otherwise known as "good" people. So when can we finally live lives of intruiging science and technology, none of this BS with millions gathering for the Pope LMAO or funding these HIDEOUS structures called churches and temples. Wake up, people, lets feed the hungry, and be there for people emotionally, lets not praise Santa claus and the tooth fairy just because it sounds good to be true.

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