Friday, August 12, 2011

Subjects and verbs?

1- the city's only art theater closes next week.2- you may not come with us to the beach.3-because of the winter storm, many activites are canceled.4- robin williams is a brillant comedian and actor.5- i looked everywhere for my car keys.6-our star quarterback and linebacker have broken their ankles.7-all cars should include air bags on both the driver and the penger.8- too much sun can cause and increase skin cancer.9- angela has been volunteering at the hospital for years.10 all new employees must take a drug test.11- i will never understand you.12-many children in kindergarten are reading.13 the firefighters are hosting a pancake and sausage breakfast.14-once again, Aaron has left the supper dishes on the counter.15- in the back of the refrigerator, strange things are growing.16- the newspaper advertisement misrepresented the product and created confusion.17-the judges heard the attorney's closing arguments and made his decision.18-before our guest arrive,we mustshopandcookthemea

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