Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A question for those who don't like the idea of teaching intelligent design to children in schools?

What if the name of a unit on intelligent design was changed to "Science and Moral Responsibility". You would have to teach a religious basis for morality, since the only people that buy the argument "well morality's great because it's just so pleasant when we're nice to each other" are fools and blind unquestioning atheists, and children are unlikely to take any interest, especially when they see all the hypocrisy and iniquity of the world they live in. What if this unit took the teachings of science and then transcended them, showing students that taking research money from drug or weapons manufacturing is hardly "pure science" and this cl taught a critique of what scientists have done when they've been allowed to serve their military-industrial masters, from the invention of the nuclear bomb to the current scams being perpetrated on the American people by medicare? Is a science cl an appropriate place to teach that life has value, that we are not hidden simply because we work in area 51, that we must have faith in Gods purpose, or does this whole notion undermine the economics and values system of the modern science curriculum? Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions regarding this suggestion.

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