Friday, August 19, 2011

Where can i watch the movie nine months (1995) starring Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore online?

hey guys ive watched the movie ages ago and i really want to watch it again, ive searched for it timeless and timeless again, im from australia, some websites have country restrictions, and some just dont work, ive even tried finding it in shops but they dont sell it anymore, im begging anyone can you guys please please PLEASE , give me a link that works or upload full movie on utube and notify me?i would be so very grateful, tyvm

What would you do if you like your bf brother...?

theres this girl thats dating a guy... they are good together... little squabbles here and there... then one day she gets invited to a family party where she meets the bf brother... they find out he have a lot of things in common... later on... they see each other more often coz bf like to hang out with bro now that he is home from college...the bf doesnt really treat her good. but bf brother knows whats she really deserves... the girl know the bf brother has feelings for her. and she now is deveping feelings for him.. what shoud she do or they do abut the situation...

Da Vinci vs. Einstein vs. Shakespeare. Who was more brilliant?

Your use of characters from various disciplines makes this a seemingly difficult question to answer. But your use of the word brilliant makes it easy. The answer is Einsten based on that. You should've used a different word or phraseology if you wanted the answer to be Da"Renaissance man."

Do I tell her she is LYING?

I was in the exact same situation a couple of months ago. This girl was part of the Bloods gang, had triplets when she was 13 but gave them to her sister (but then she told us they died and other times they were alive), her father was the richest man in her state, and 90% of her bones were made of metal because she was hit by an 18-wheeler when she was 3 and now her hands are considered lethal weapons in certain states. I ignored her. Actually, the more I would ignore her the grander her stories would get. At first, I thought I should call bull on her, but then it got entertaining. It was ridiculous, the crap she would come up with! Nevertheless, her lying caught up with her when the bosses started noticing and she was promptly let go. I suspect the same will happen to your co-worker. In the meantime, enjoy the tall tales.

Why hasn't anyone asked?

if Barack Obama pulled some strings to get the Cup in Chicago? I mean, the evidence is pretty overwhelming. Consider this: 1) he's reppin' Chi-town, 2) the 2nd city is known for above-average political corruption, 3) when he hosted the Pens last September in the White House, he mentioned that he was upset that Chicago hadn't won a Cup in so long, 4) he failed to land the Olympics in Chicago, and probably wants to make up for that somehow, and 5) everyone seems to hate him these days. I mean, I would think that the Detroit Tin Foil Brigade would be all over this... Maybe I just missed the party...?

Are my student loans going to affect the interest rate I get with a Car loan?

Ok, So my husband and I are going to buy a car in august. We dont know when because the dealer doesnt have any on the lot right now but they are getting the car i want "sometime" in august. The problem is that I really need to be taking applying for my GradPlus loan right now but I am worried that it is going to affect the interest rate we get for our car loan. Also, my husband is the one with all the income because i am getting ready to go back to school full time so should he be the signer for the auto loan and me the co-signer, or should it be the other way around? Our credit scores are both great it is just that I dont have any income and I am getting ready to take out student loans in my name only. someone with loan knowledge help!

Does any1 no the thing in science its GXUVIMSL I need some ideas my science teacherwants me to make my own hlp?

Im a 5th grader and The GXUVIMSL stands for, Gamma X-ray Ultra violet, Visble, Infrared, Micro wave, Small waves, Large waves. I need to make my own like tht goodboys sumthing.... My mom Doesnt no anything& neither does my Sister my bro is only 8 and my dad isnt home So PLZ HELP ME!